Comments on: American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sat, 06 May 2023 10:00:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: sgt_doom Sat, 06 May 2023 10:00:45 +0000 Appears like that’s the plan —- financial collapse in the two global economies: American and China with full global implementation of centralized digital currency —- CBDC!

This was predicted ages ago when Kissinger, James Baker (the Bush family shyster, not the FBI traitor counsel), and too many others signed that memorandum supporting SDRs and China!!!

Another recent tipoff was that favorite of the Peterson Institute and Federal Reserve, Saule Omarova, put forth as the nominee to head the OCC —- an evangelist for the implementation of CBDC and conteol by the central bankers!!!

No worries, TPTB still has Lael Brainard, hardcore communist, at the Federal Reserve, awaiting promotion!!!

When Bwaney Fwank (Barney Frank) was handed those 20 pages from the Goldman Sachs lobbyist (Bwaney’s former chief of staff, BTW) which he placed, unedited, into that Dodd—Frank legislation, it was no doubt part of the strategy in bank consolidation, which Dodd—Frank effectively did, making the already credit derivatives (Fantasy Finance) containing fragile banking system all the more vulnerable to catastrophe!
