The Arizona Democracy Resource Center (ADRC) Action has accrued over $7.6 million from a national network of Democratic dark money for a new ballot initiative. This group traces its roots back to a national donor network called “Way to Win,” which was launched to defeat Donald Trump in 2016.
Way to Win supplied $110 million in funding to key states like Arizona and Georgia to control the outcome of the 2020 election. It should be no surprise Way to Win’s major sources of funding include George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and family, Stryker Corporation heiress Patricia Stryker, the prominent D.C. consulting firm Arabella Advisors’ Sixteen Thirty (1630) Fund, and the Tides Foundation-backed One Arizona.
Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers reports some of the Arizonans for Free and Fair Elections’ proposed changes to her state’s election practices:
- eliminate voter ID and proof of citizenship for voter registration
- allow same-day voter registration
- bar election audits like the most recent one for the 2020 election
- raise small business taxes to increase political campaign funding
- restore private funding in election administration
- require universal vote centers
- extend in-person early voting through the day before Election Day
- require a court order to rule someone too incapacitated to vote
- implement automatic voter registration for driver’s license and state ID recipients, as well as of-age high schoolers
- allow curbside voting
- allow “nontraditional residential addresses” such as mile markers or “geographic or other identifying features” when registering to vote
- restore the permanent early voting list (PEVL)
- restore “inactive” voters to “active” status
- permit “signature-only” voter registration
- allow third parties to register voters
- reduce contribution limits
The Arizona legislature has done some remarkable work since the 2020 general election debacle. They have passed dozens of laws to make future Arizona elections safe from future steals. Senator Rogers reports that the Dems can’t have that, so they are going to court for an end-around to invalidate the laws just passed to open the door for future Arizona elections to be stolen.
Senator Rogers says, “This is no joke. If these DC Swampers get this end-around through, it will invalidate our election integrity laws- and make Arizona a hotspot for stolen elections. They want to steal every election in Arizona because they got away with stealing the one in 2020. We MUST beat them- first in court, then at the ballot box, then with additional laws to tighten up our elections!”
Voter fraud appeared blatant in Arizona to many, contrary to the Democrats and fake news media gaslighting the people of Arizona and America.
Copyright © 2022 by Mark S. Schwendau
About the Author
Mark S. Schwendau is a retired technology professor who has always had a sideline in news-editorial writing where his byline has been, “Bringing little known news to people who simply want to know the truth.” He classifies himself as a Christian conservative who God cast to be a realist. Mark is an award-winning educator who has published seven books and numerous peer-reviewed trade journal articles, some of which can be found on the Internet. His father was a fireman/paramedic, while his mother was a registered nurse. He holds multiple degrees in technology education, industrial management, OSHA Safety, and Driver’s Education. His personal website is www.IDrawIWrite.Tech.