I took some heat last week when I said they were trying to steal Arizona. Some had pointed out that the votes had barely been counted at that point and that a landslide for Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh as well as wins by Blake Masters and Mark Finchem were still likely. As I said then, the signs were in the air before the first vote was officially counted that the fix was in, the steal was happening, and a week or so after the election we would find out in disgust that our candidates allegedly lost.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I am visiting with Leo Donofrio, an attorney from New Jersey who has done the research necessary to come up with a gameplan should the elections in Arizona get stolen. From what I’ve heard so far, it’s a solid plan. Hopefully he’ll be able to lay it out for us and give us a direction about how to move forward. Lawfare may be our only recourse and unfortunately Republicans are far behind Democrats in that arena. It’s time to get better at it in a hurry.
The plan, as I understand it now, is that since the Maricopa attorney admitted there was the potential for voter fraud with the broken machines and since voter sentiment is leaning toward lacking trust in the results, Arizona has a method through which a single voter (though preferably more) can challenge the results and get the election annulled. It does not require proving voter fraud nor does it require proving intent. The circumstances need to be demonstrated that enough voters do not trust the results for good reasons, and considering the election day debacle in Maricopa County, they should have ample reasons to be disenfranchised.
As with any attempt to overturn fraudulent elections in the 21st century, it won’t be easy. But the way Donofrio has explained it to me so far gives me reason to believe there’s a reasonable chance of success. Please pay attention and share this video with everyone, especially those in Arizona. We need actions to start now, not next week, next month, or next year. We already got suckered into “moving on” after the last election. It cannot happen this time or there may not be a future election.
NOTHING CAN BE DONE. The USA is under the judgement of the God of the Bible. Collectively we have rejected Jesus Christ. Satan is now ruling over the land. Read Deuteronomy 28. Sounds just like the USA in 2022. The USA is a dead man walking. Seek the Lord with all your heart…Today.
It’s looking that way….all the prayers and eye’s watching and the person who was 11 POINTS AHEAD still loses???
I HERE NOTHING from the Republican Gov in AZ, the House, the Senate, Ronna McFAILURE Romney McDaniels..
Amen. Every level of our government is irreversibly corrupt. Nothing can, nor will be done now. Our government no longer attempts to mask its lying, deceit, fraud, and evil. It is in your face on a daily basis and they wear it proudly declaring, “Go ahead and try to do something about it. We will crush you and destroy you.”
We are at the point of critical mass; a Godless, lawless land.
And if you truly still believe we have free and fair elections, well, bless your heart!
Speak for yourself, Knucklehead.
Thank you.
What’s a knuclehead?
According to Paul in Corinthians, he tells us Satan is the God of this world. This is not news. We do have an opportunity as individuals to rely on the truth and a responsibility to not run from it or hide. We must call out evil whenever we find it so that more souls can be saved.this especially includes our children, MY children. Therefore I refuse your lay down and roll over solution.
It’s too late and besides Republicans are too soft and accommodating to really raise a fuss. They are NOT the sons and daughters of the pioneers who came west. Anyone see how they leaned backward to accept 2020 election? That showed what they are made of.
Our rejection of Christ our Lord & Saviour in this nation of ours translates into Destruction of a once God fearing society. In Brazil people are demonstrating en masse to contest a stolen election. We as a people have been cowered in submission by demonically possessed political monsters who are successfully establishing a communist, dictatorial regime m.
For two years GOP RINOs -McConnell, McCarthy, McDaniel, GOP state assembles- did nothing to expose and fix 2020 stolen election. Hence they allowed commieKKKrats to steal 2022 elections. Sadly America has RINO problem more than Marxist commieKKKrats problem. What do you do when your own ideological brethren stabs you on the back? a.k.a Mike Pence
The problem with conservative analyst is that they think we have hours of free time to listen to them. Shorten the message unless it’s all about making money.
The problem is that whether it’s legal or not, they’ll dig up some corrupt weasel judges to put the skids to it.
Yup the judges are corrupted too..
Leo Donofrio? New Jersey? LOL. Why doesn’t he start with New Jersey?
Good point
They will probably continue to lie, cheat and steal until they eventually push us into civil war.
That’s the plan most likely…
I will be backing 45 in heart, soul, and money. My wife and have been Republican Poll Judges for combined 20 plus years. This being in a solid blue county which is a state Republican House and Senate seats. Trump is loved by farmers, veterans, small family owned businesses. Our Republican s in my county will give Trump a 90 percent vote. Desantis owes his position to Trump…and not China ,Big pharma, or rinos.
this isnt America…
Computerised rigged fraudulent stolen Senate elections will have very dire consequences…
Here’s how to expose election fraud if you believe your votes were stolen or not counted.
It’s called “Shadow Tabulator”
Kari Lake can have her election attorney put up a web page where AZ voters can confirm their vote for Kari. How? Allow them to make a debit or credit card charge using a card where the cardholder’s name and address match a registered voter’s name and address. If the charge goes through then that’s a verified voter affidavit.
You could go a step further and mail a confirmation code to the registered voter’s address whereby they receive it and go online to enter the number confirming that they have control over the mail box in addition to the credit card verification. If enough voters do this then that’s standing to contest the election.
Use the MC/VISA system as a Shadow Tabulator which can collect hundreds of thousands of affidavits quickly to create standing and avoid dismissal..
Hmmm….will that work?
Just 2 more weeks, guys. We Caught em!
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