Comments on: Bah Humbug: The Police State Wants Us to Be a Nation of Snowflakes American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Fri, 08 Dec 2023 12:57:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Fri, 08 Dec 2023 12:57:41 +0000 OUTSTANDING ESSAY!!!

Back in 2017, the late, great patriot, Rich Higgins, then on the Trump Administration’s NSC, penned a 7–page memo [“The Higgins Memorandum”] on how “Cultural Marxism” was set to destroy America and daily assault President Trump and his administration!

Gen. McMaster —- the dude who appointed Fiona Hill and the CIA’s Eric Ciaramella★, fired Mr. Higgins for his most lucid and cogent and proven—true, insightful memo! The very same Gen. McMaster, whose first action after exiting the Trump Administration was to attend a Bilderberg Forum!

Great mention of the valiant Rod Serling, a test subject for the first successful jet aircraft ejection seat (the previous several test subjects had died during the testing phase) — — a recondite fact of Mr. Serling’s past! A most talented and capable guy!

★ Fiona Hill was the BFF of fellow Brit, Christopher Steele, author of the STEELE DOSSIER (Russiagate Hoax) — — I believe she was the one who inteoduced Steele to Danchenko at her employer, the Brookings Institution, a major player in the promotion of the Russiagate Hoax and fictitious Steele Dossier — at least nine Brookings people involved, with Victoria Nuland flying to Cyrpus to meet with Steele and also the president of the Brookings trustees is banker to Xi Jinping of China, JOHN THORNTON, chairman of Xi Jinping’s SILK ROAD FINANCE CORPORATION, the financial arm of their Belt and Road Initiative.

John Brennan’s Boy Wonder, the CIA’s Eric Ciaramella, was the behind–the–scenes “impeachment whisperer” — — the dude who instigated the FAUX impeachments against Trump and Ciaramella was the leaker to that vile Adam Schiff liar, and also Vindman!

Interestingly, Ciaramella is also connected to a number of Soros’ people?!
