Comments on: Biden’s Schizophrenic Middle East Policy Is Disastrous American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:41:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: S. Yoder Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:41:14 +0000 Perhaps JD Rucker is a CCP plant. If the U.S. sends foreign aid to other countries, then why not Israel? Maybe Rucker is trying to pursuade his readers to disagree with sending free aid to Israel which is exactly what the CCP, WEF, Russia, and Iran want to happen. Weaken Israel as much as you can. Not happening. Biden’s poll numbers will go down even further. This from a stupid, corrupt, criminal POTUS that has given billions to Israel’s and U.S. enemies to the tune of more than a $100 billion to Iran to fund this terrorism and war. The democrat communist party is the antisemitic party in the U.S. Who in their right mind gives billions to Hamas murderers and rapists? Yes, criminal President Biden has blood on his hands. He is singlehandedly responsible for the rapes and murders of Israelis on Oct. 7!

By: Michelle Mon, 11 Dec 2023 17:14:15 +0000 Leadership by appeasement, Leadership by abandonment, leadership by denial, that is what Biden offers. It’s always a zero sum game that is detrimental to this country. Sad, especially when we need a strong leader.

By: StarGladiator Mon, 11 Dec 2023 03:28:07 +0000 Yes, and that’s exactly what the WEF and CCP want!
