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BOMBSHELL — Steve Bannon broke news that at least 35 Raids were conducted yesterday against Trump allies across the country.
Hear the full conversation by subscribing to The Charlie Kirk Show:
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) September 9, 2022
On Friday afternoon Steve Bannon told Charlie Kirk that 35 Trump allies had their homes raided by the FBI on Thursday.
Bannon: “The jack-booted Gestapo has to show up at their door and make a big display of this.”
Steve Bannon joined Charlie Kirk on Real America’s Voice on Thursday. Steve Bannon: You saw from the demonic speech that Biden gave in Philadelphia that this is a dying regime. That was a primal scream. And here what they’re trying to do, no matter who it is whether Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago. There were 35 FBI raids last night. […]
Around the Web – Original Source: