Comments on: California Schools Create Trans-Indoctrination Lesson Plans For K-12 American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Tue, 09 Jan 2024 01:58:51 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pauhana Tue, 09 Jan 2024 01:58:51 +0000 Yes, love is love. But more to the point, stupidity is stupidity.

By: StarGladiator Sat, 06 Jan 2024 18:43:49 +0000 Dedicated research–journalists place this as really starting around 2017, and evident in 2019; some great articles in The Epoch Times have explained the inclusion of SEL, or Social—Emotional Learning, also called “xi nao” from the original Chinese term: BRAIN WASHING, going back to procedures practiced on POWs during the Korean War (polularized by Richard Condon’s book, “The Manchurian Candidate” — — — highly recommend the late Mr. Condon’s “Mile High” where he fictionalizes Real History in order to get it published — CLASSIC!)!

The federal funding for this dates back to 2005 from the NIH and NSF, dramatically increased during 2015 to 2017!

The private sector funding comes from BILL GATES, SOROS, PRITZKER family, JON STRYKER of Switzerland, HANSJORG WYSS, formerly of Switzerland – now living in Wyoming or Montana, Jeffrey Epstein when he was alive (???), and WARREN and PETER BUFFET!

In December of 2019, awakened early one morning to listen to a bizarre interview on KIRO Radio in Seattle when I still lived there: Kristina Olson from the University of Washington (now at PRINCETON) was urging all to vote for the adoption of ADULT SEX education from the pre–K level to senior high school along with gender ideology (a referendum in the 2020 election by Advocates For Youth, a Gates Foundation–financed Maoist group to destroy children, called “COMPREHENSIVE SEX EDUCATION”). She was quite forthcoming on the agenda: first they would insert it into the higher grades, then primary school, then Kindergarten and pre–K — explaining her “research paper” proved 3–year–olds can be transgenders and that while there was no such item as “genders” little babies can immediately recognize their own genders (psychotics easily contradict themselves in tjh same sentence!?)!!!

Beyond depraved . . . . But that is exactly why MacArthur “Genius Awards” are given to all these sicko crazies — — all part of THE AGENDA!

By: CLEARLY101 Sat, 06 Jan 2024 17:05:34 +0000 This is great! The money therapists will make is going to BE AWESOME!
