I feel really bad for the Taiwanese people. Thanks to the recklessness of Nancy Pelosi, China has decided to become much more aggressive. Until Sunday, a series of extremely alarming “live-fire drills” in the waters surrounding Taiwan will essentially cut off much of the normal maritime and air traffic that reaches the island. And it is being reported that during these “exercises” China actually plans to fire missiles over Taiwan for the very first time. Needless to say, much of the Taiwanese population will become greatly alarmed when they see missiles flying overhead. Taiwan is heavily dependent on imported food, and China is demonstrating very clearly that they can completely cut off the island from all resources if they are crossed again.
In the western world, news sources are using the term “blockade” over and over again to describe what China is doing right now. Here is just one example…
China is to begin a series of unprecedented live-fire drills that would effectively blockade the island of Taiwan, just hours after the departure of US House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, whose controversial visit this week has sparked fears of a crisis in the Taiwan strait.
Taiwan has characterised the drills, which will last until Sunday afternoon – and will include missile tests and other “military operations” as close as nine miles to Taiwan’s coastline – as a violation of international law.
Let us hope that these measures are just temporary, because a blockade is technically an act of war.
China’s “military exercises” near Taiwan have already begun, but the really big ones that everyone is talking about will start on Thursday…
Six days of military exercises kicked off Tuesday night with live-fire drills in and around the Taiwan strait that will last through today, as authoritarian China attempts to intimidate its democratic neighbour and pressure the US into dropping support.
Four more days of drills will then commence on Thursday and last until Sunday, taking place in six locations around Taiwan – three of which cross into the island’s territorial waters in what Taipei called a serious breach of international norms.
You can see a map of the six zones where the Chinese will be conducting their drills right here.
As you can see, those six zones essentially form a perimeter which completely surrounds the Island.
And during this time China is warning all airlines “to avoid flying close to Taiwan”…
Beijing followed the condemnation with a slew of punitive measures against Taiwan, including live-drills in six areas around the island’s coastline that will run between noon on Thursday and the same time on Sunday.
Airlines operating in Asia were warned to avoid flying close to Taiwan during the exercise with ships being told to stay away from the “danger zones”.
Until next week, very little maritime and air traffic will be reaching the island.
That won’t hurt too much as long as China ends the blockade early next week.
And as I mentioned earlier, during the exercises China also plans to fire missiles directly over Taiwan for the very first time…
China signaled on Wednesday it plans to dramatically escalate military provocations aimed at Taiwan to include flying missiles over it for the first time, a clear sign that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s departure from visiting the island nation marks not the end of a burgeoning standoff with the U.S. but rather the beginning of one.
The English-language Global Times news outlet, which is aligned with the Chinese Communist Party, included in a post early Wednesday “that conventional missiles are expected to fly over the island of Taiwan for the first time” in response to the California Democrat’s daylong stopover to meet with local officials, which Beijing considers a clear break from standing policy governing the island over which it claims dominion.
This is a very obvious attempt at intimidation.
Of course the Taiwanese people have been living under the threat of a potential Chinese invasion for a long time, but this definitely takes things to a new level.
My hope is that when next week rolls around the Chinese will decide that they have sent a strong enough message and will pack up and go home.
But I wouldn’t count on it.
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We continue to get more reports of Chinese forces preparing for military action…
Emerging footage from China appears to show tanks and missiles massing on a public beach as tensions over the situation with the US and Taiwan rise.
The concerning video shows the military equipment along with soldiers from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) heading towards Pingtan Island as China flexes its military muscles.
Are such movements just for show?
That is what some of the “experts” are telling us.
Many “experts” in the western world also assured us that Russia would not invade Ukraine.
And then it happened.
Could it be possible that we are on the verge of making a similar mistake with China? The following comes from an excellent opinion piece by Ted Galen Carpenter…
President Xi Jinping’s warning on the eve of Pelosi’s visit that the United States must not “play with fire,” regarding Taiwan and that those who persist in doing so “will perish by it,” should jar the U.S. foreign policy elite from its complacency. The PRC’s increasingly confrontational stance is reminiscent of Russia’s hardening attitude and demand for Western security assurances regarding Ukraine in late 2021 and early 2022. So, too, is Beijing’s growing deployment of air and naval forces near Taiwan. China probably does not want a war with the United States, but just as Russia was willing to fight to repel a threat to its vital interests in Ukraine, China likely will choose that course as a last resort concerning Taiwan.
Biden’s tone-deaf foreign policy team must realize that Beijing is not bluffing. The administration thoroughly mismanaged the last foreign policy crisis. It cannot afford to mismanage this one.
If the U.S. and China end up in a shooting war over Taiwan, the consequences will be absolutely disastrous even if the war doesn’t go nuclear.
Our stores are currently filled with cheap goods that are made in China, and once war starts the flow of goods across the Pacific would completely stop.
And it turns out that a great deal of our pharmaceutical drugs are also made in China.
The truth is that we simply cannot afford a military conflict with China because we have become dependent on China in thousands of different ways.
So why do we keep provoking them?
Nancy Pelosi knew that visiting Taiwan at this very sensitive time would provoke China, but she did it anyway.
Those that go around starting unnecessary fights always end up regretting it. That is a principle that we should be teaching to our kids, and it is something that our political leaders desperately need to learn as well.
Because if we keep pushing everyone else around, we could easily find ourselves involved in a truly cataclysmic global war.
In the old days, we had true statesmen that knew how to project strength but also avoid war at the same time.
Today, Joe Biden is surrounded by an all-star team of warmongers that seem to have no idea how the world actually works. Their arrogance is only exceeded by their incompetence, and they are making colossal mistakes that threaten to plunge our society into a nightmare from which it may never recover.
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***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***
About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on Amazon.com. In addition to my new book I have written five other books that are available on Amazon.com including “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”, “The Beginning Of The End”, “Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned) When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends. Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.
I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse Blog, End Of The American Dream and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe. I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article. The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.
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The Importance of Prayer: How a Christian Gold Company Stands Out by Defending Americans’ Retirement
Article cross-posted from End of the American Dream.
America and Taiwan, here’s your chance to BLOW China out of the water. Test your new equipment and what not.
China has too many missiles, all with plenty of real estate from which to launch them, unlike the US Pacific Fleet and its tiny little boats, and unlike itty bitty Taiwan. Missiles will decide any war in the Strait. The only real deterrent to invasion till now has been China’s realization that it is far too incompetent, yet, to control the world semiconductor industry. Basically, a free Taiwan makes China a LOT more money than a slave Taiwan. A secondary deterrent is that the US would cut off trade with China (unless Xi and Puppeteer Obama have been cooking up something) which would bankrupt the Chi-Coms and set off a revolution. A third and likely barely heeded deterrent would be a US nuclear strike. But as China has more short range cruise missiles than all other nations combined, it also has more anti-missile missiles than all other nations combined. If any nation could thwart a nuclear attack, it’s China. It certainly isn’t ill-prepared for one like the soft, open-borders USA!
Their gear is shit. All they ever have is numbers. We have rods of God, you don’t know about and
Communist Occupied China is a fourth world nation and extremely uncultured, they are trapped 3000 years ago. If they didn’t steal technology they still be using rickshaws. China’s Xi is a third rate punk and is drive China into the ground. If they didn’t bribe so many foreign politicians they’d already be gone. Xi is a fool and China will be totally destroyed if the start a war. Russia is more sophisticated than China, Japan runs circle around China as do both Koreas. Xi is a loser and an embarrassment to China. The Republic of China (Taiwan) is the real and true China all of western China is currently under Communist occupation by terrorist punk communists.
Biden and his administration are idiots.
Seize all American land owned by China.
Biden expects our military (and people outside America) to respect military leaders with testicles; wearing dresses. It’s not happening.
I see Pelosi as a metaphor for the Great White Fleet, but with saggy tits and more wrinkles.
I see Pelosi as a metaphor for the Great White Fleet, but with saggy tits and more wrinkles.
with the current ‘leadership’, I do not see us getting out of this one easily. Es war schoen, euch zu kennen…
Time to start sinking chinese container ships.
Or just deny them berth at UP ports. Sorry about the merchants whose purchased loads of chinese junk are stuck offshore. Maybe Canada?
We flew shipments into Berlin when the Wall went up. We can do the same now.
Well, it’s time for the USS Ronald Reagan carrier group to test their blockade. And anytime that their aircraft or ships get within prescribed distances of the carrier, it’s not going to be pretty for the Chicoms.
It has been known forever that the use of alcohol not only impairs judgment, it enhances all sorts of entitled behaviors normally kept under control by common sense. And, as any minister of deliverance will testify, intoxication increases the influence of unseen, less evolved, trouble causing entities nourished by bad behavior of those made vulnerable by such use. Substance use disorder is more than just a personal problem when alcoholic recklessness affects the fates of nations. Why is there no official intervention here? Surely this is a textbook case of what can happen with this fairly common type of corruption. Of course the arms manufacturers are cheering on this poor demonized woman, why wouldn’t they? Just tragic.
JD, I like most of what you write and interviews you conduct. This article smacks of cowtow towards the ccp.
J.D., this is not Pukey Lousy’s fault. If anything, the Chi-coms sent her there to create an excuse to notch up their intimidation drills. But even if not, then the Chi-coms would find another excuse because this escalation was not reactionary, it was planned. Still, unless the Obama Shadow Government has offered some sort of economic assurances, China could not survive economically the aftermath of conquering Taiwan. Tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of slaves would revolt when faced with starvation. And one could argue, US influence (bourgeois toys and whatnot) have only increased the People’s dissatisfaction with Communist Paternalism. But that assumes BiteMe wouldn’t just roll over like Trump did with Hong Kong, and say merely, “well that wasn’t very nice!…Oh well, back to bathing in the cheap crap you send us by the boatload!”
Sorry for misauthoring, Michael.The article’s tone seemed very JD-esque.
I hear China has 2 Aircraft carriers, and has deployed them near Taiwan…
Be a shame if both of China’s aircraft carriers suddenly disappeared from the surface of the ocean, not unlike a certain Mullah who’s 4 top generals were suddenly killed overnight after threatening the USA, and claiming there’s nothing the USA could do about it…
Just a shame… /s
Well Poopy-pants, it’s your move.
Of course they are.. They know America is ran by idiots right now and will use that to their advantage any time they can..
F commie China and their friends in the democrat/rino party..!!
All apart of the plan… Pelosi goes over on China’s request to make it look like she’s stirring up the pot. Now China has their excuse to go into Taiwan in the name of their own protection. Wonder how much Nancy and Joe made on this deal?
Communist Occupied China is a fourth world nation and extremely uncultured, they are trapped 3000 years in the past. If they didn’t steal technology they still be using rickshaws. China’s Xi is a third rate punk and is driving China into the ground. If they didn’t bribe so many foreign politicians they’d already be gone. Xi is a fool and China will be totally destroyed if they start a war. Russia is more sophisticated than China, Japan runs circle around China as do both Koreas. Xi is a loser and an embarrassment to China, he brings same upon the Chinese people. The Republic of China (Taiwan) is the real and true China all of western China is currently under Communist occupation by terrorist punk communists.