Comments on: CNN to Join Biden-Harris Regime in Attacks Against 1st Amendment American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Mon, 18 Dec 2023 06:12:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Mon, 18 Dec 2023 06:12:43 +0000 Sage advice bears repeating — — missing the link this was from, so apologies to the author!


The CIA has planted many decoys to lead people in every direction but toward it. Perhaps the most successful, because the topic is so popular, is to blame the Mafia. Another is to blame outside fanatics: anti-Castro Cuban exiles or ultra-right-wing activists.

None of these scenarios is possible unless the culprit had the capability to cause all assassination-related events. The planners used the Secret Service to design a motorcade route with two alternative route changes, planted CIA asset Lee Oswald in the Texas Schoolbook Depository Building with a temp job when the route was open to change, stranded almost the entire Cabinet over the Pacific Ocean aboard a presidential aircraft with the code book to communicate with the White House missing, dispatched the Joint Chief of Staff’s intermediary with CIA covert operations to the South Pole, called off all Secret Service protection for the president as the motorcade began, and shut down all electrical power and phone service in the TSDB right after the shooting.

Kennedy had many enemies, but how could they schedule a presidential Cabinet flight? That was a White House staff job. As CIA director, Allen Dulles fully infiltrated the White House staff. Not even LBJ, whose power base was in the Senate, had every necessary Executive Branch string tied around his finger. Only Dulles and the CIA he created had the capability to utilize every resource that came into play.

Beware of decoys. They will only lead you in the wrong direction, and not by accident.

[SG Note: McGeorge Bundy was one of them and 39 others as well were financially connected to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund —- discovered by author Gerald Colby many years ago!]
