Comments on: Cultural Replacement: Why the Immigration Crisis Is Being Deliberately Engineered American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Fri, 26 Jan 2024 05:18:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Fri, 26 Jan 2024 05:18:45 +0000 My apologies for sounding so harsh to the author of this article —— one should be satisified they realized this is really about destroying citizenship and sovereignty!

Just fed up with watching our nation being destroyed from within!

By: StarGladiator Thu, 25 Jan 2024 18:26:32 +0000 What an insipid, feckless, spineless, gutles article! 4F to the max!!

“There is absolutely no doubt – Elements of our own government . .”

Oh wow! No kidding, almost one–half trillion $$$ expended last year in federal revenues on, for and to ILLEGALS. — ya think??? (And this article is from a “finance” site?!?!)

Weaponized migrations going on for several decades now — so somebody finally wakey, wakey!!!

It’s written down, EINSTEIN — for all to see — ARPA and TACRE — yeah, EINSTEIN, they actually wrote it out —— no frigging mystery!

Sissyboys always mention the popular Q–drop “Cloward-Piven Strategy” —- head out of your butt, pantyboy — a commie takeover is a commie takeover, drop the silver bullet BULLTWACKY already!

Destruction of Western Civilization by DEFUNDING CITIZENSHIP in NORTH AMERICA and EUROPE!

These useless, pathetic PARASITES explain nothing, leave out ALL the facts (“School of EXCLUSIONARY JOURNALISM”) then say DONATE NOW —- for effing what? More FACT–FREE “journalism”???

I know MH370 was hacked into as I READ the final report!

I know the assassins of JFK as I read the declassified documents! Ditto RFK, more difficult with the MLK assassination as took place in a less public arena, but have a decent idea!

I understand the global economic meltdown in 2007 — 2009 because I read the Anton Valukas Report and the FCIC Report and numerous GAO reports and Wall Street investment reports!

A goofy idea — — actually reading applicable and pertinent stuff on the subject!?
