Comments on: David Stockman on the $1.3 Trillion Elephant in the Room American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sun, 05 May 2024 10:56:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Sun, 05 May 2024 10:56:46 +0000 Declaring water to be wet and the Federal Reserve to be a farce aren’t exactly Earth–shattering proclamations! Ever since 1963, when in the May/June timeframe, President Kennedy rejected the request or DEMAND from the Rockefeller brothers to support the AMENDING OF SECTION 25 of the Federal Reserve Act, the situation has been swirling around the toilet bowl! Section 25 forbade the purchase of foreign banks by American banks — this curtailed the development of a global banking cartel (which exists today); President Johnson, later in office after the assassination of JFK in Dallas, would indeed support the amending of SECTION 25!

Adding insult to rebuke, after JFK (President Kennedy) rejected that Rockefeller demand, he issued the brilliant EO 11110 to generate $4.3 billion in DEBT–FREE, silver–backed currency to fund the greatest R&D peacetime program, the Apollo Moon Program, which would result in scientific and technical advances for many decades to follow! This was a wickedly clever move on JFK’s part and an endrun around the Federal Reserve’s usurpation of the workers’ economy!

Sadly, in vile pushback, two onerous actions took place: the CIA dispatched agents to Lisbon to meet with French assassin–for–hire, Jean Rene Souetre, an escaped French Army Airborne officer who had been imprisoned for desertion and other activities (alleged to have been a member of the notorious “Red Hand” in Algeria during the war or rebellion battles there) as well as contacting Belgian criminal and CIA contract killer, Mozes Maschkivitzan! [SOURCE: Declassified CIA documents]

The other action was the disappearance of $16 million in securities from the FRBSF, or Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, where Chairman Swan, the uncle of a future FBI director Robert Mueller, was in charge! (The fired CIA deputy director, Richard Bissell – fired by President Kennedy – was the greatuncle of Robert Mueller; Deep State is mighty deep!) Now we can guess how the assassinations of the Diem brothers in Saigon and JFK in Dallas were funded!

Many years later, when President Bill Clinton (The Bankers Boy”) signed NAFTA, verbiage tucked inside NAFTA now made “legal” the purchase of Mexican banks by foreign interests – up until then ILLEGAL in Mexico! Within one year, 90% of Mexican banks became foreign–owned! The process of an ongoing Global Banking Cartel!

In 1973 a finance professor in America posed the rhetorical question, “Who owns the banks?” The answer, of course, is nobody knows —— the great secretive mystery, and by design!
