Comments on: Decolonization: What if Booting Radical Leftists Out of the US Is the Best Option? American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Wed, 22 Nov 2023 21:50:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robert Keeney Wed, 22 Nov 2023 21:50:59 +0000 In reply to jasonn.

You nailed it!

By: Joseph Edelen Tue, 21 Nov 2023 16:14:37 +0000 Why boot them out? Just execute them. If you remove a rattlesnake by moving it from one place to another it can still bite you. If you destroy the snake’s head, it cannot bite you.

By: Dave Brown Tue, 21 Nov 2023 12:18:12 +0000 We are at war. Any liberal, in any form, is the enemy. It’s either them or us. I choose them. They physically need removed, imprisoned or worse. It’s either them, or us.

By: VoteYes Tue, 21 Nov 2023 01:05:59 +0000 I have long said much the same. Their behavior is akin to rather than them using the available tools to enact change, votes, etc, they decide to burn the entire edifice down – the most anti American thing possible, a total disrespect for all others and for rule of law.

Just like yelling fire in a theater is wrong, so would be such violent actions. One get you thrown out of the theater at best, the other gets you thrown out of the country, at best.

America was meant for God fearing people, the next best thing is that they at least respect commonly agreed upon rules of decency. Maybe that is the missing piece, the commonly agreed upon standards (though they are implicit), in lieu of God fearing.

By: POed Mon, 20 Nov 2023 23:41:51 +0000 Decolonization can be used against them as well, all the migrants they are bringing in are colonizing us. So yes, we want to decolonize from all the migrants.

By: JeanCnews Mon, 20 Nov 2023 23:20:08 +0000 Just be sure obama’s hide is tacked to the barn wall for all who are leaving to see !

By: Rich Minnich Mon, 20 Nov 2023 23:08:58 +0000 As I recall, Jefferson Davis once said that the epitaph inscribed on the tombstone of the Confederacy should be, “Died of a theory.” We seem to face a similar situation in which the very values that have made the U.S. a great nation, indeed one where most refugees want to go, is being torn down by people who expect US to abide by our values, while they abuse those values to obtain power, with the intention of subjugating the rest of us.

By: WhyTheLongFaceJohnKerry Mon, 20 Nov 2023 22:26:57 +0000 In reply to Steve.

My thoughts exactly. They’re rabid dogs. They need the “Ol’ Yeller” treatment.

By: stpaulchuck Mon, 20 Nov 2023 21:18:17 +0000 ya got my vote! I’ll help them pack.

By: Louisa Mon, 20 Nov 2023 20:21:05 +0000 Too bad this article can’t be posted at Elon’s uncensored “X”….That word “decolonization” is HATE SPEECH and Elon’s tolerance won’t tolerate it.
