Comments on: Detransitioner Accuses Doctors of ‘Medical Malpractice,’ Harmful Hormone Treatment, Removing Her Breasts American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Wed, 19 Jul 2023 16:17:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Wed, 19 Jul 2023 16:17:28 +0000 Freak Show USA, Version 2.0

Now endless stories of DETRANSITIONERS and the “He, She, He” bios ad nauseum!

Just one frigging “story” — just one, purveying actual FACTS: that the NIH and NSF have been funding the transgendering of children since at least 2005, with the funding ramped up between 2015 to 2017 (Obama & Trump Administrations)!

Just one story explaining the myriad connections between Advocates For Youth, The Conscious Kid, all the other nonprofits AND Soros, Gates, Wysse, Pritzker, Stryker, Bloomberg, Rosenblatt, and antifa/BLM, etc., etc.

And Princeton University and the University of Washington and Vanderbilt University and all the Bill Gates–funded university studies on pregnant women and their response to various vaccines and why said research is ALWAYS classified and private and why would Gates, some years back, have invested and overseen a project foe “remote controlled birth control”??? (Microchips Biotech Inc., since sold off to a French biopharmaceutical)
