Comments on: Election Integrity Attorney Arrested for Spilling the Beans About Dominion Voting Systems American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Wed, 20 Mar 2024 12:20:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Wed, 20 Mar 2024 12:20:15 +0000 Huh?????

“Voter fraud” —CIA phrase, it’s ELECTION FRAUD, cease and desist trivializing it with “voter fraid”!

“Dominion Voting Systems, the target of conspiracy theories” what a bizarre phraseology — we know they were rigged with a fraudulent code base from the getgo, but writer spews this fictional nonsensical phrase — was this written by the NSA or CIA?! (Why would an ERIC COOMER type, recruited as he exited the jail be recruited? For his criminal record, of course, same reason they recruited JEFFREY DEAN while he was still serving time in prison!)

A “prominent funder of election conspiracy theorists” again with the CIA false narrative memes!

Geez, “prominent election deniers” — who writes this drivel? A 10th tier hack from the CIA?

Sheriff Dar Leaf, is also promoting the “foreign election interference” insane CIA meme, as promoted by the RUSSIAGATE HOAX crew, as promoted by the CIA asset Mikey Lindell, popular crackhead!?

Sorry, must declare this a wholly controlled opposition site and the previously unknown RUCKER to be either DHS or CIA stooge!

Finished with his phony baloney site!
