Comments on: Electric Cars Lose Value TWICE as Fast as Gas Vehicles American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Mon, 08 May 2023 19:29:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: sgt_doom Mon, 08 May 2023 19:29:24 +0000 The entire concept is bizarre and conspiritorial: if Rare Earth metals are a scarce or limited resource (or at least we are told that) then why would anyone wish to deplete them on EVs and self–driving EVs and electric/Wi–Fi scooters and bikes —- PURE INSANITY!?

Unless the plan IS TO DEPLETE THEM —– shrinking the national power grid while adding EVs en masse to the mix is obvious pure insanity —– further evidence of the dumbing down of America!!!

Sometimes a remembered detail clicks and awareness happens: recalled that years ago I went to senior library people and questioned why the discontinuance of certain excellent library research tools (example: the Directory of Directories, etc.) which greatly aided library research but was met with vacant stares —- they had no idea and were clueless —- and strangely disinterested?!

IN RETROSPECT, have since learned that was when George SOROS began his donations and grants to the American Library Association and similar organizations!

We arw being assaulted on all levels from all sides!!!
