The most common question I receive from readers and listeners is, “Are we in the Biblical end times?” Here’s a response I recently sent to someone asking that question:
It appears that we are, but here’s the thing. There have been those who thought they were in the end times and acted accordingly many times over the past 2,000 years. There are also those who believe the end times began the moment Jesus Christ ascended to Heaven.
With that necessary disclaimer out of the way, I believe what you are asking is if the current strings of events happening across the globe over the past couple of years are either the beginning of Biblical tribulation or signs that the Great Tribulation will take place during our lifetimes. I believe it’s somewhat likely that this is the case, and by “somewhat” I mean I’d give it about 60/40 in favor of the events described in the Book of Revelation and other books taking place during this generation on earth.
The way I choose to proceed is to focus on spreading the Gospel, fight the abundance of evil that has materialized in our world, keep my eyes open for signs that further demonstrate the end (or beginning, as I prefer to look at it) is near, and keep my heart open to guidance. Whether we’re in the Biblical end times or not, I believe the path forward remains the same. The only difference is that IF we see more Bible-affirming evidence of the end times being upon us, then that can be added to our toolbox to help prompt people to immerse themselves in the Gospel.
To recap, whether we’re approaching (or are in the middle of) the events of Revelation or not, our mission remains the same. That may seem like a copout to some since it does not obligate me to decipher current events through a lens of prophecy, but I’m a firm believer in the notion that we should always live our lives as if the end can come at any moment. The ultimate goal is to accept the gift of salvation and to help others do the same.
If we are NOT in the Biblical end times, then things have certainly gotten bad enough in the United States and across the globe to warrant drastic measures. It may be hard to imagine things getting much worse than they already are but our trajectory is not a great one. With that said, we’re also seeing victories that cannot be ignored. I am very hopeful that more people are waking up and as long as we can stay out of the emotional gutter of thinking there’s no hope left for humanity, we can overcome the multitude of challenges we face.
This is why I did a show last week and accompanying article to declare the ten things I’m personally going to be focused on going forward. At any given moment America is faced with a few existential threats. That has been the case since our founding. For whatever reason, we are currently faced with at least a dozen full-blown existential threats. Some of them could wear us down and deteriorate the nation through attrition in the coming years. Others can devastate us rapidly, sending us down a road of total chaos in the coming months.
Viewing the current state of the world through this lens allows me to decipher the news appropriately (in my humble opinion, of course). I can look for events that correlate to Biblical signs while not forcing everything to be such. In other words, it allows me to practice exegesis instead of eisegesis. For example, I can see what’s happening in Ukraine, Taiwan, and the Middle East and say this COULD be the “wars and rumors of wars” mentioned in Matthew 24:6, but I’m not obligated to attribute these wars as clear signs that the Biblical end times are upon us.
Besides, the rest of Matthew 24:6 reads, “for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.”
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I’m not going to point to this event or that event as signs from the Bible. Instead, I will be diving into my reasons for wanting to focus on the existential threats we face while offering paths through which everyone can fight the good fight.
No Fight for Good Is Futile
Whether one holds a Biblical worldview or not, it can feel like we’re spinning our wheels fighting such powerful forces. Those who see the world through the Bible can come to the conclusion the Principalities and Powers are simply too strong for us. The same can be said for secularists who see the globalist elites as holding all the cards.
It can be daunting to say the least.
Many quote Ephesians 6:12 to demonstrate that we’re not fighting against other humans but against powers much stronger than us.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
I love to quote the Bible, but I must always remember to quote the context as well. So too should those invoking Ephesians 6:12 be cognizant of the possibility that this warning can demoralize people… unless we read the very next verse:
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Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
See! We can fight this. We just need a whole lot of divine help. Thankfully, that help is provided to those who will take up their armor.
Our fight is not futile whether we are in the end times or not. Some tell me that if we’re in the end times, there’s nothing we can do to stop what’s coming. I say to them that our individual roles in what’s to come are only known to He who created us and therefore it is our duty to fulfill His will whether we think we can win or not. Knowing how it all plays out is above our paygrade. Abraham did not sulk in the doldrums of futility because he was told to sacrifice Isaac. He did as he was commanded, not knowing that his son would be spared through God’s miracles. So too must we commit to doing as we are instructed by the Bible and by the Holy Spirit that guides us. It’s when we start believing our own actions have no meaning that we sink into nihilism and despair.
The Globalists Need Willful Compliance
Keeping cattle or sheep calm before their slaughter is important, not just for the ease of handling but also for the quality of the meat itself. It’s been shown that animals that are distressed before or during slaughter do not taste as good as those who quietly and peacefully die. Today, we consider it the humane way to operate, but even the Bible mentions calm slaughtering as important for reasons that are not fully explained.
I bring this up because we know the machinations of the globalist elites require the people to be willing participants in their own enslavement or demise. This is why I balk at those who complain that my articles or shows are not offering “solutions” to the problems at hand beyond spreading the word. In reality, spreading the word and making as many people aware as possible is the best way to prevent the globalists from achieving their goals. If we can make more people recognize that events being played out before us are planned and often manufactured for globalist purposes, we have a better chance of fighting back if the time for more direct action becomes necessary.
The one thing we need as a nation more than anything else (other than God’s blessings and protections, of course) is for patriots to be as self-sufficient as possible. Today, we’re seeing the globalists use coaxing measures to get us to choose to comply. As we get closer to the full implementation of The Great Reset, we will see the choice of not complying become harder and harder to make. They need us to choose, but that doesn’t mean they will make our choices easy. Below are some of the things we need to prepare for if we’re going to be able to say “No!” I put these things in order of easiest to hardest, but even the “easiest” isn’t really that easy.
Don’t fret. If you’ve read this far then you’re already ahead of the game. You just have to make the choices necessary to stay ahead before the crap really starts hitting the fan.
Say “No” As Much as Possible
When they tell us to get into breadlines, we need people to not only be willing but able to say, “No!” This is why I’m so adamant about everyone doing what they can to become self-sufficient with their food needs, whether that means gardening, storing away food for the long-term, or other methods of achieving food independence. That doesn’t necessarily mean getting off the grid, though that’s definitely a viable option for some.
When they tell us that lockdowns are back for whatever health scare they manufacture next, we need America First patriots to be ready to say, “No!” That means we need to be willing to let go of whatever attachments are keeping us compliant. I often take criticism for not being more compassionate to those who didn’t want the jabs but got them anyway in order to keep their jobs, but I just can’t.
Nobody was “forced” to take the jabs. They made a choice to get jabbed against their wishes in order to maintain their lifestyle. And while I have no issues with people choosing the way to support themselves and their families, I do take issue with people saying they had no choice at all. Those who got jabbed against their wishes in order to keep their jobs CHOSE to get jabbed in order to keep their jobs. Own it for what it was, a choice. It may not have been an easy choice. Choosing otherwise may have made life much harder. But it’s still a choice that was made. Nobody had a gun to their head that would be fired if they didn’t get jabbed.
When they tell us to start using their Central Bank Digital Currencies, we need individuals and businesses to be willing and able to say, “No!” I have been exploring options for this with alternatives types of currencies. So far, there are a couple that are looking interesting, though not interesting enough yet for me to endorse. In the meantime, it behooves us to at the very least move some of our wealth and retirement out of the markets or digital investments and into physical precious metals. It also makes sense to make local connections as soon as possible for as much as possible. There are things that will be very difficult, perhaps even impossible to procure without the government’s new currencies. It is best to stock up on as much of those things as possible, even if only to delay the forced compliance.
When they tell us that our energy consumption is too high and they need us to ration, we need people who are willing and able to say, “No!” Of all the acts of defiance so far, this may be the most challenging because it’s not like we can run down to the local electricity-distributing ma and pa store or drill for oil in our backyards.
The resource grids, which include water on top of energy, are easily cut off to non-compliant individuals. I wish non-compliance was as easy as disabling your smart meter and pumping water from the lake down the hill, but the vast majority of Americans are not able to easily detach from the grid. This will be a major controlling factor they’ll use against the non-compliant after the crap hits the fan, so it’s important for everyone to assess their situation now and determine if there are ways to either mitigate the potential damage or avoid it all together.
When they tell us we have to show our Big Pharma-approved paperwork or app in order to get the medications or treatments our families need to survive and thrive, we need people to be able to say, “No!” This is the hardest one for many of us because it’s not like we can manufacture our own diabetes medication or perform our own emergency surgeries. Healthcare is the most difficult necessity to do for ourselves, at least for many people. With that said, we must try. That means finding alternative treatments when applicable.
Our friends at Jase Medical provide storable antibiotics, for example. Making local alliances with medical professionals is an option for some. I’m not a doctor so I cannot reasonably offer solutions to anybody, let alone everybody. All I can say is that we all should assess our healthcare needs and try to find ways to replace the current system with something achievable in case the system turns against us.
About the End Times
Discussions on what the Bible says about the end of days can be contentious between Christians, let alone those who are not believers. In the future I will be building a website and likely starting a new show that focuses on Bible prophecy, but today I recognize not everyone is ready to believe the Word of God is really the Word of God.
But discussing Bible prophecy with non-believers is actually easier sometimes than talking to Christians about it. We have a lukewarm church in the United States and oftentimes pastors aren’t discussing these times in the context of Bible prophecy for fear of losing church members. I know that every time I talk about the Bible in general and prophecy in particular, I also run the risk of losing members of my own audience. It is what it is, and while I won’t get too deep into proselytizing, I won’t hold back on my own perspectives.
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Those who ARE Bible-believing Christians should be doing what we can to spread the Word. It’s not just about spreading the word about the globalist cabal, exposing Democrats, or calling out our nation’s cultural degradation. It’s about spreading the Word itself. Some aren’t very good at it. I know because I’m one of them. I don’t have a scriptural answer for every question asked of me and the times that I have attempted to proselytize, I’ve failed. But even if we simply express our faith and attribute our actions to our belief in the Bible, it is my hope that it’s something. As we read in James, Chapter 2:
18 But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. 19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! 20 Do you want to be shown, you foolish person, that faith apart from works is useless?
No matter how bad things get in this world, we know that the next world will be an unimaginably better place for us. The Adversary needs us to feel defeated in order to defeat us. Just as I won’t risk leading people astray by declaring our current situation is the beginning of the end of days, I also won’t deny what seems crystal clear, which is that things certainly seem to line up pretty darn well right now with Bible prophecy. Whether you think these are the end times or not, whether you believe the Word of God or not, know this: We all have to fight the good fight for ourselves, our family, our communities, and our nation. This battle isn’t the one we want to sit out.
“Let me read between the lines for America. Biden’s Sept. 12, 2022, executive order declares that Americans must surrender all human rights that stand in the way of transhumanism. Clinical trial safety standards and informed consent will be eradicated as they stand in the way of universally unleashing gene-editing technologies needed to merge humans with A.I.[Artificial Intelligence]. In order to achieve the societal goals of the New World Order, crimes against humanity are not only legal, but mandatory.”[v]
Indeed, there is something about the mark of the Beast that will damn a person’s soul beyond redemption. Rev 14:9-11
Standing up to evil is always appropriate.
I have been studying biblical prophecy for a long time, and I can unequivocally state we ARE in the end times today. Israel is the key. She had to be back from her over 19 century worldwide dispersion as prophecy dictated before the final signs could arrive. Israel’s reformation in one day in 1948 began the final countdown.
Now, we see the many biblical prophecies about the final seven years known as the 7 year Tribulation – but more accurately called Daniel’s 70th Seven (Daniel chapter 9). The fast moving march towards the One World Government, the disappearance of cash and creation of an authoritarian-controlled digital currency and the technological move towards marking (or chipping) every human being on Earth for ID and in order to buy or sell. We’re also seeing the biblical warning of a worldwide pharmaceutical deception (can anyone say Covid experimental genetic agent injections?).
For skeptics, there are a few things to watch for, as their fulfillment is imminent. Jeremiah 49:34-39 states that there will be a disaster in Southwest Iran which will require a major evacuation of a large area. Possibly due to an Israeli military strike on the Busheur nuclear plant. Isaiah 17 describes the complete destruction of the Syrian capital of Damascus (overnight), and many surmise that being as a result of Iran using her proxies Hezbollah and Hamas in missile attacks against Israel. Jeremiah 49 also reveals that Jordan will fall and her capital Ammon will also be destroyed and Israel taking over the entire Jordanian territory. As you can see, these are not subtle or generic prophecies. They’re very specific and they WILL be fulfilled.
The disappearance of the Church is the wildcard. It could happen before, during or after the previously discussed events. But it also nears, as it must occur before the signing of the 7 year covenant between the world leader (Antichrist) and Israel, along with what the Bible calls “the many”. Specifically 7 years. Watch for it.
From your post:
……The disappearance of the Church is the wildcard…..
It appears that mans churches are not being gathered together to be grafted into the end of days world religion.
I started a letter to my family which turned into a web page… has no value there, nothing to sell, no trips to Alaska, none of that and their is only one to follow and its not me.
At the top of the home page please consider reading from:
Until mans churches follow Gods Pattern for His Church and the Family of Believers, nothing will change.
Best to you and your loved ones, Daniel
More times of the signs…..unblemished Red Heifers now in Israel.
I agree, never stop fighting against evil. But should the tactics used to fight that evil never be altered, or expanded upon, remaining forever the same? Of course, if a better tactic, or weapon, is found to fight against evil it should be used, should it not?
Say a person is fighting against the enemy with only a pistol and slowly losing ground, and then that person comes across a fully functional tank. Surely you are not suggesting that this person’s desire to stay true to his tactic means it’s ok to be unwilling to use the tank against the enemy. Even if the person doesn’t know how to operate the tank, wouldn’t it be worthwhile if the warrior took the time to learn how to operate the tank, or find someone that is on his side that can figure out how to use the tank?
I have to admit that for all the information gathering and sharing that is taking place amongst those of us that claim to be fighting against the evil that is all around, it appears that our side is not gaining ground overall. Things appear to be getting worse, at least from my point of view.
It seems like something is missing on our side, wouldn’t you say? I mean, seriously, is all the digital chatter taking place really having an effect? I’m just being honest when I say I’m not seeing anything happening that makes me think social credit scores, and digital currency, and the chipping of humans, are not still going to happen. Big tech has us isolated away from everyone else.
Like I said, something, some approach, is missing. I hope the good people of the world figure out what that missing piece is one day. It is going to take them thinking outside the box, I’m sure.
Very good article, and there is much I could write in response. However, I will focus on the two most important thoughts. First, as we see the end approaching, our focus should be evangelism. We need to get as many people onto the Ark of Jesus as possible before the door is closed. Secondly, the Old Testament prophets often had a thankless task. They had to warn stubborn and rebellious people to repent, or face punishment from God. Frequently, they were ignored or persecuted, but it was their job nonetheless.
Spot on post, Muffin1. Maranatha!
The LGBTQ agenda is a JEWISH CONSTRUCT (just like COMMUNISM).
Anti-white hate (sometimes called CRT) is a JEWISH CONSTRUCT.
Radical feminism is a JEWISH CONSTRUCT.
The very IDEA of “racism” is a JEWISH CONSTRUCT.
The MEDIA that runs the show is a JEWISH CONSTRUCT.
There are 6 sexes according to the JEWISH TALMUD, which Jesus REBUKED THE PHARISEES (JEWS) FOR FOLLOWING.
You make accusations as if they are facts with no citations. It’s my belief our adversary is Lucifer or satan, not the Jews. It was Lucifer who rebelled agains God’s plan to give us our freedom to choose right from wrong.Christ stood for freedom to choose vs. Lucifer’s plan to force us to do God’s will as enforced by him. Freedom to choose vs Forced to do — absolutely the definition of the word anti-christ.
Mr Rucker as a Very Good Word Smith sir you hit the moving Target sir
BUT GOD Give ONE PEOPLE aka those who FEAR GOD
Soldiers PRAYER
Mr Rucker sir today ONE PEOPLE are quite Literally the Only Humans on this whole
Who can do something
ONE PEOPLE who are they
A Gun Smith repairs or cleans or Can Show how to use a Weapon for
As a Wordsmith sir your WORDS
Hit the mark one GOOD WORD applied can create a
Declaration of Independence
Study it
Mr Rucker
As a AMERICAN who Fear GOD
In the first PARAGRAPH
The SOUL-lution
Mr Rucker sir
Our founders trampled The LION
Read all about it in PSALM 91
Written to YOU
Mr Rucker in 1976 I was giving a very GOOD BOOK all of 16
YOU who dwell in the Shelter of the MOST
It states quite simple a very Physical ACTION
Mr Rucker written in 1913 by Theodore Roosevelt
The Dragon he called it CHINAFY of our REPUBLIC in 1913
The nations are all in a GOOD BOOK it is how GOD Explains this EVIL using animals
And make no Mistake THE DRAON is bought an payed for by Both POOLITICAL BANDS
The demise of
I post in my GOD GIVING NAME
ONE PEOPLE Bend the Knee
And then when the Lights Go OUT
GOD has told us in PSALM 91
What we can do
Would you stop with the rambling nonsense and make a point?
In Matthew 10:23, Jesus told his disciples that they would not finish going throughout the cities of Israel before he would return. In Matthew 16:27,28 Jesus said that he would come in the glory of his Father, with angels, reward every man according to his works. The time statement given was that some of his disciples would still be alive when this happened and when the kingdom was established. (This was not fulfilled in the transfiguration). In Matthew 24:34 Jesus said that all the apocalyptic events he had spoken about previously in that chapter would occur before the generation he was speaking to had passed away. In Matthew 26:64 he told the high priest that later he (the high priest) would see Jesus coming on the clouds of heaven.
Here are a few more time statements (but certainly not an exhaustive list) given in scripture for the return of Christ. Christ was about to judge the living and the dead (2 Tim. 4:1). The Hebrew Christians could see the day drawing near (Heb. 10:25). It would only be a very little while before Christ would return and he would not delay (Heb. 10:37). The coming of the Lord was at hand (Jam. 5:8). It was the last hour (1Jn. 2:18). The events of the book of Revelation were to shortly take place (Rev. 1:1) because the time was near (Rev. 1:3). In the final chapter of Revelation Jesus himself said he was coming quickly (v 7) and the time was at hand for the prophecy that had been made (v 10). Jesus again says he is coming quickly (v 12) and the last thing he says is “Surely I come quickly” (v 20).
Just because Christians today don’t understand that Christ returned in the first century like he said he would, doesn’t mean that it did not happen. He and the writers of the New Testament were not mistaken and they did not lie. He returned and accomplished his word.
There is so much more that can be said about this and I encourage the reader to check it out. It will change your life. This eschatological doctrine is called preterism.
I commend JD Rucker, though he apparently holds to the dispensational view of prophecy, for his Christian activism. But it is better to understand that Christians are going nowhere until they die and that they are here to make known the glories of Christ in society. I encourage all to quit waiting for what has already happened and live for the glory of God.
There are many things “Christians” have absolutely no idea about.
Many “Christians” believe in the notion of “Judeo-Christianity”. Jews don’t.
Many “Christians” believe that Jesus was a Jew. He was not.
Many “Christians” believe that Jesus wasn’t white. He was.
Many “Christians” believe only 8 people survived the Noah flood. They’re wrong.
Many “Christians” believe that every species of human being was created in Genesis. They’re wrong. There were many pre-Adamic people on Earth.
Many “Christians” believe that Genesis 3:13 was about a magic apple and a talking snake. They’re wrong.
Many “Christians” believe JEWS are the “chosen people”. THEY AREN’T. Not “chosen” by the God of the Israelites (the TRUE Israelites), anyway.
There is so much you have been deceived about by your “clergy” and your 501c3 government approved religious indoctrination centers, that I barely know where to begin.
Claiming to be the biblical authority of stated proclamations isn’t helpful without scriptural references. It simply makes you sound like an arrogant, closed minded, know it all. For example, please enlighten us with specific scripture as to why you think Jesus of Nazareth wasn’t Jewish? Here’s the reality:
Was Jesus a Jew? Of course Jesus was a Jew. He was born of a Jewish mother, in Galilee, a Jewish part of the world. All of his friends, associates, colleagues, disciples, all of them were Jews. He regularly worshipped in Jewish communal worship, what we call synagogues. He preached from Jewish text, from the Bible. He celebrated the Jewish festivals. He went on pilgrimage to the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem where he was under the authority of priests…. He lived, was born, lived, died, taught as a Jew. This is obvious to any casual reader of the gospel text. What’s striking is not so much that he was a Jew but that the gospels make no pretense that he wasn’t. The gospels have no sense yet that Jesus was anything other than a Jew. The gospels don’t even have a sense that he came to found a new religion, an idea completely foreign to all the gospel text, and completely foreign to Paul. That is an idea which comes about only later. So, to say that he was a Jew is saying a truism, is simply stating an idea that is so obvious on the face of it, one wonders it even needs to be said. But, of course, it does need to be said because we all know what happens later in the story, where it turns out that Christianity becomes something other than Judaism and as a result, Jesus in retrospect is seen not as a Jew, but as something else, as a founder of Christianity. But, of course, he was a Jew.
Many people fail to understand the difference between the catching away of the Bride of Christ (The Rapture) and the Second Coming of the Lord. Jesus doesn’t return to the Earth at the Rapture, but only descends to the clouds above and then resurrects those who sleep (in Christian death) first and then all those who are alive on Earth – and He then takes us to His Father’s house as promised. A picture of the Galilean Betrothal Custom, in which the Lord is following to the letter. The Second Coming follows the fulfillment of Daniel’s 70th Seven and it brings in the 1,000 year Millennial Kingdom of the Lord on Earth – the completion of the 7,000 year biblical week.
The verses mention in Matthew (as well as specifically Matthew chapters 24 & 25) speak to ISRAEL. The Church didn’t even exist at that point. Consider all the references to Jerusalem, the temple, the Sabbath. The 10 virgins are bridesmaids, not the Bride. The oil for their lamps references the need for the Holy Spirit, which the Bride already possesses. Not so Israel. But the Church/Bride is NOT a replacement or fulfillment of Israel. God has made an eternal covenant with Israel and He has a plan to bring her to repentance in faith in her true Messiah and Savior Jesus Christ. It is through Israel’s final 7 years appointed to her Daniel’s 70th Seven AKA the 7 year Tribulation) that God brings the Israel remnant to faith in Christ.
Well said, Richard!
If an 18th Century biblical preacher were transported into this world, he probably would think he was in the first part of the tribulation. But I think transgenderism is just a smoke screen for trans-humanism, and that the technology to create the image of the beast is near. Our interest is in ourselves, and it certainly would be fitting if God let us create our own image and means of destruction.