Comments on: Europe’s Digital Services Act: A Framework to Gain Global Control of the Internet That Could Spread to America American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Thu, 27 Jul 2023 15:34:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Thu, 27 Jul 2023 15:34:11 +0000 Henry Kissinger didn’t say that —- Kissinger was quoting his old boss, David Rockefeller, prince of evil!

The Internet is already under TPTB’s full control, stuff is frequently wiped from the entire Web — I can only post at two sites on tje entire Web, and I’m sure there are thousands more like me?!

Taylor Lorentz’s uncle owns the Inter et Archive —- another source of censorship!

To better understand, reflect on this:

I heard Bill Gates brag once during an interview how profitable his vax ventures were with Big PHARMA, but he never elaborated, but now it finally dawned on me how he does it!

So the Gates Foundation is simply structured as an investment company/financial influence outfit, so when it makes a “donation” to a corporation “for philanthropic reasons” (“donating” to a corporation —- amazing, huh???) it donates to corporations where Gates already owns corporate stocks and bonds in, so the donation generates a tax break for him and since it is listed as a “donation” instead of an investment, there’s no standard capital gains tax — so a double payout of sorts!

Then, his donation/investment raises the valuation of the corporation, in turn raising the value of his pre-existing stocks and/or bonds in it! (He is “donating” to corporations he has partial ownership, or more, of!)

Thirdly, he forwards THE AGENDA: as in emerging market nations where he “donates” to Mastercard to expand their services (and he owns shares and bonds in them) those nations are also the first to adopt, or planning to soon adopt, CBDC —- centralized digital currency!

Evilly clever —- who knew all these corporations and financial services companies were charitable outfits?!

And since the Gates Foundation pays the salaries of so many senior managers at the WHO (also the World Bank and who knows where else) through the process known as SECONDMENTS, he exerts financial influence that way, and the WHO pressures for Gates–directed health/vacccine programs!
