Mike Lindell, the founder of MyPillow and one of the leaders in exposing Election Fraud, was surrounded by the FBI and had his phone seized.
This is most likely to do with the witch-hunt led by the Democrats and Deep State regarding January 6th. They are doing everything that they possibly can to intimidate any and all Trump supporters, and this appears to be nothing more than just a fishing expedition to take out their “enemy.”
Mike Lindell is LIVE on Frank Speech telling the story:
During his livestream, Mr Lindell revealed that he was handed a letter from the US Department of Justice requesting that he not reveal the existence of the subpoena. As expected, Lindell released it live on his show immediately.
Dear Subpoena Recipient:
An official criminal investigation of a suspected felony is being conducted by an agency of the Unitad States and a Federal Grand Jury In the Dietrict of Colorado. As a subpoena recipient, you are not under an obligation of secrecy. However, we request that you not disclose the exietence of thia aubpoona for an indefinite period of time. Although the law does not require non-discloure unles a court order is issued, we belleve that the impact of any disclosure could be detrimental to the investigation.
If you do not believe that you can comply with thie request, please nottfy the undersigned Assistant United States Attorney before you dieclose the exitence of this subpoena. Thank you.
Hy: s/ Aaron Teitelbaum
Aaron Teitcibaum
Ageletant United States Attorney
Apparently, this subpoena is related to a case involving Tina Peters in Colorado. It sounds like Lindell was being pressured to testify in that case and has been refusing, so the powers-that-be have resorted to this sinister tactic from the FBI.
No way! The subpoena included Goldco spam? My God, it’s everywhere.