Patriots are rightly angry with and frustrated by the attacks happening to Donald Trump. The Deep State seems bent on destroying him and they’re coming after all of us as well. But one of their primary steps along the way to achieving total control is to compel America First patriots into either participating in some form of civil war or disavowing such things and falling in line.
We can fight this. On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I covered five ways we can fight them without sparking the civil war the powers-that-be so desperately want.
Before I get into those things, there are some preliminary considerations to keep in mind. First and foremost, the powers-that-be WANT a limited form of civil war. They may not (or perhaps they may) want large militia groups storming cities or hunkering down in impenetrable compounds, but they do want violence and acts of domestic terrorism to take place to justify whatever crackdown they impose against us.
Second, they want to split America First patriots into two groups. The first group are those who will remain silent and complacent out of fear of being targeted. These patriots won’t really fight back, so they’ll be allowed to exist in the totalitarian world envisioned by the globalist elites. The second groups are those of us who won’t sit back idly and who won’t comply. They want us jailed or dead.
The third consideration is that Donald Trump is very likely to be indicted. They seem willing to do anything, including manufacturing charges and arresting the rightful president, just to make sure they take us over our breaking point. If you think things are bad now, imagine if Trump is frog-marched.
Lastly, it’s important that we do not take for granted that our fellow America First patriots are aware of any of this. Spread the word. If we let emotions drive our actions as a movement, we will be quickly and completely quashed. Today’s show may be the most important one I’ve done in regards to immediate implications. We need to remain calm and act from intellect rather than pure anger. With that said, here are the five ways we can fight back without sparking a civil war.
Expect manipulation or a full-blown false flag
Warnings were issued over the weekend about anticipated domestic terrorism attacks. These warnings all pointed to angry “right-wing extremists” who are upset over the Mar-a-Lago raid.
It may be true that some are planning an attack. As I said, we’re rightly angry and some people turn their anger into violence. But I’m much more concerned about false flag or prompted attacked. We’ve had glimpses of what the feds are willing to do to take us down. The Gretchen Whitmer “fednapping” plot exposed their willingness to take anger and try to funnel it into illegal action. Their efforts to turn the January 6 mostly peaceful protest into an “insurrection” is well documented. That’s just the tip of the iceberg. What else have they done in order to incite criminal activity?
The most concerning part of their warnings is that they mentioned a “dirty bomb” that could be used near a government building or FBI headquarters. This was very peculiar because dirty bombs aren’t exactly easy to make. While they do not require the technical expertise of building a nuclear weapon, the materials necessary are equally difficult to acquire. Which is more likely, that a militia group reacting to Mar-a-Lago or a future indictment of Donald Trump got their hands on nuclear materials or that the feds are preparing for a false flag attack?
We need more RALLIES where they will get coverage
Generally speaking, rallies are considered positive events and protests are considered to be negative. The media will treat them the same. While our natural reaction may be to hold protests in front of government buildings, it makes more sense to hold rallies.
More people will come and the chances of things turning violent are lower. It may just be a simple relabeling, but it makes a difference in the potential outcomes. We can still get angry and voice our frustrations at rallies. Setting the mindset that we’re going out to support our president rather than to attack the FBI means we’ll get better optics, more attendance, and a reduced chance that the Deep State will get the attacks they want at these events.
Make GOP lawmakers and candidates acknowledge this is THE issue
I can count on two hands the number of Republican politicians who are really fighting for us. There are good candidates out there, especially at the local level, but even then we don’t know for sure that their campaigns will translate into action if put into office.
To me, this whole situation is a litmus test. Those who are out there getting ready to investigate the FBI and other organizations if the GOP takes control of the House or Senate are potentially good. The reason I say “potentially” is because even people like Mitch McConnell pretended to go after Obamacare all the way until he had a president who would actually sign a repeal. Then, we learned it was all talk.
We’ll have to see if they’re willing to take action, but at the very least they need to be talking about it. This represents an existential threat to America. Any Republican who isn’t screaming about the raid or the corrupt Department of Justice is compromised or complicit. THIS is the issue they need to be railing against right now.
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Some will say that the economy is more important. I don’t disagree in the long-term, but here’s the thing. There’s only so much they can do about the economy. Even if they take control of the House and/or Senate, that will only act to stop more bad policies from coming to pass. They won’t be able to reverse anything, so the trajectory we’re on can only be slowed even with a massive red wave. But exposing and possibly even taking down the Deep State will require time and there’s none left to waste. They can do that with majorities. They can hold hearings and expose corruption. This is why in the short term it’s a more important issue.
Learn and share the FACTS about the raid to help “normies” understand
I could (and perhaps someday I should) write a book about the various versions of malfeasance committed by the Deep State in general and the FBI in particular. This isn’t new and spans many decades. But since the Obama regime was in office, we’ve seen a sharp rise in how badly they’ve treated the American people. They act like all of us are the enemies instead of the people they’re supposed to be protecting.
Until my not-yet-guaranteed book comes out, it’s up to you all to do the research and educate your friends and family. There are so many aspects of this raid and other recent actions by the Deep State that corporate media simply won’t cover. For example, the FBI unit that committed the raid happens to be the same unit that participated in much of Russiagate. Can we really say that’s just a coincidence?
Join or form patriot groups that want peace AND justice
This is where we get into dangerous territory. We all need to join or even build groups of patriots to act locally. Unfortunately, any time someone talks about groups of patriots, we’ve been conditioned to believe that must mean a militia group. There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with militia groups, for the record. However, there’s still a stigma surrounding them that can make some people skittish.
What we need are peaceful groups who will help organize rallies, file lawsuits, and expose the Deep State to as many people as possible. That’s always challenging because most America First patriots are naturally individualists and groups are often built around collectivist mentalities, but we need friends and allies at the local level, especially if the crap starts hitting the fan.
Most importantly
As always, pray through it all. With the Lord’s help, we can fight this juggernaut of corrupt power. As long as we keep our heads cool and our minds working properly, the actions of the Deep State can be dealt with appropriately.
All sounds good and no one wants a Civil War. But the real issue is what the democrats do best, they cheat and we can not have a Constitutional Republic with Godless vote cheats. Number 6, paper ballots, show legal ID to get ballots at polls. No mail in voting, period. That has been destroyed by the cheaters and can never come back. Get the democrats to agree to that and you can bypass a civil war because there will never be a Constitutional Republic with vote fraud.
If they do another election steal, it means they have fully accepted the bullet over the ballot. If we do not give them the bullet, things will get exponentially worse rapidly and there will be no return to ‘normal’.
They want the country destroyed so they can build their globalist, communist state. Ironically, if they do another election steal, we will also have to destroy the country to rebuild it under the constitution.
The only PEACEFUL solution is for us to show our willingness to make the ultimate sacrifice: live FREE or DIE, and I don’t intend to die. That’s THEIR part in the play, not mine, but if it has to be it has to be. I am unafraid. They need to know that and they need to back down. If they don’t, it’s gonna get bloody.
Good to hear a voice of reason out there in the wilderness. JD writes some good stuff.
The die was irrevocably cast for (world wide) civil war, the day the democraps stole the presidency. The question has always been, “What will be the spark, or catalyst, that sets a war in motion”. Well, Biden added the catalyst, when a hour into his coupe de tat, presidency, he signed executive orders, crippling energy production, and by extension, food production. Now, everything is in place for starvation, food riots, hungry thugs attempting to use violence to steal food from their neighbors, and the same thugs being repelled from their aim, by the use of deadly force from armed citizens. That is war, and the only thing that will stop it is food, but there won’t be any in every place like L.A., NYC, Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, etc., because NO driver is going to surrender their life to provide for democraps who will gladly kill them for the contents of their truck. So yeah, it’s war and the democraps will go down in history for who started it.
So basically more words…. that’ll teach em..
It all boils down to one thing and one thing only.. Will our future elections be Real and fair..? They stole the presidency and got away with it so why not the midterms..?? But even if we win who has confidence in people like Mitch and his ilk to do anything at all about the unconstitutional illegal BS the left has done..??? If they have the election system rigged and they probably do then we have to choices..
Civil war
Once again, another pundit completely misses the problem and focuses on symptoms, either it is intentional disinformation or incompetence.
There is one core problem with government corruption; willful selective enforcement of the law by corrupt law enforcers. The absence of uniform RULE OF LAW is the problem, always has been.
If law enforcers, at every and all levels, would obey their oath and apply the law EQUALLY to their buddies and bosses, NONE of the lawless acts of the parasite political class would be tolerated.
Police can arrest DAs/prosecutors for willful selective enforcement of law too, aka OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.
Until the people can arrest police for refusal to enforce laws, and police are held CRIMINALLY responsible for their actions, this rampant lawlessness by political class parasites, especially demoKKKrats, will never end!
Blind cop suckers disagree.
Does J.D. think that the left is going to win the Civil War, they already lost one before. There are more of us than them and they will lose. Just shutdown major cities run by Democrats and watch them wail and nash their teeth.
Hahaha! Now lets go with 535 reasons why none of it will work…Its TOO LATE! Americans are too stupid, too fat, too lazy, too greedy, and I could go on and on and on… When some of us were saying years ago that its time to act, no one listened… Enjoy your communist shythole, give your children over to the pedophile state. YOU failed them…
More nonsense. Rallies are a great place to gather facial pictures for biometric search and review.
In spite of the 2020 coup, voting, in all but a handful of states, remains the same. The machines, massive mail in ballots, no voter ID and now our socialist USPS is promoting an ‘election division.’ It sure would be nice to save our country at the ballot box, but as RFK Jr so truthfully stated- “You can not vote your way out of Tyranny!”
I was personally thrown off by “Kane”, after he gray-listed my comments (yes, just like Twitter and Facebook). He called my posts on what I called the inevitability of “CWII” or “1861.V2” “crazy, violent fantasies”, or “What are you doing? Trying to get me shut down?”. I like Kane, but his interpretation of my supposed advocation of violence and civil war, are far off base. In case Mr. Rucker feels the same, I want to stress that I’m just applying logic to a problem, not advocating grabbing muskets and heading to D.C..
The problem is the lawless Democrats, and their equally lawless Federal lawyers and Law Enforcement Officers (LEO’s), who are either political partisans and Democrat plants, or simply men and women faithless to their oaths of office (one that I also have taken, to “uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, from all enemies, foreign and domestic…” ). At issue is the solution. Mr. Rucker says (as my own daughter also does), that advocating CWII is falling into the Democrats trap. OK, so I’ll play along. It would certainly be advantageous for them if there was an uncoordinated, open, violent conflict by patriots, enabling Biden (or his handlers) to declare martial law and bring to bear ALL of the armed assets of the Federal government against their political enemies. Agreed.
However, the solution promoted (presumably) by Mr. Rucker, and Steve Bannon (who I respect and admire), is … politics. Play within the lines, follow the rules, and just WIN by significant margins, that the Democrats cannot win again. Ok, so I agree with that. However, I believe if the Democrats were able to manipulate local and state government, Federal LEO’s, the entire Justice and Judicial system to steal the Presidential election in 2020 (and, I maintain, similar evidence is strong that they used the same means in 2018, 2016, and perhaps as far back as 2012 to manipulate election outcomes), what makes anyone believe that they’ll fail their goal in 2022 and 2024? For all of his military acumen, Mr. Bannon seems to have forgotten the adage of preparing once again to fight the last war. Democrats have more political power, more judicial and legal power, and have not been bashful in using it for partisan means.
So, what happens if there is an OVERWELMING VOTE for GOP Senators and Representatives, but somehow, the Democrats still hold the House and Senate after the 2022 election? Or, if the GOP holds both the House and Senate, and McConnell and McCarthy act like McConnell and Ryan circa 2017 (or actually, throughout their entire political careers), i.e. as controlled opposition for the Democrat party. What if Trump (or DeSantis) LOSES in 2024, regardless of circumstantial evidence of MASSIVE, overwhelming political support by the American people, as in November 2020?
What’s that next step,. when we no longer have free and honest elections (as is already, provably the case), when the jackbooted Federal LEO’s are throwing innocent Americans in jail, while ignoring Democrat criminals, and Federal magistrates are throwing those innocents in a literal, inhuman gulag, similar to Stalin’s purges?
What then? More election “rah rah!”. More “get out the vote” nonsense? Where the hell is the LOGIC in that then? Where is it now?
Well yeah. Couldn’t have said it better. Sorry, but the logic is flawless. I believe Devine intervention is possible but without it, logic will prevail. Ergo, God help us.
REMOVE the MSM and this stops.
I think, in addition to other actions already planned, we need some good PR. I propose a national America First Food Drive on October 22 – Neighbors helping Neighbors.
Priority 1 – Seek out PR – Rdio, TV, Newspaper, etc. Make it an America First Rally that is a food drive. Make a big deal about going to the church or food bank and delivering the food. Let people know that America First is all-inclusive and it means Americans looking out for Americans.
Priority 2: Tell people this is America First looking out for them, not Democrats, not BLM, not Antifa. Ask them to vote for the America First candidate on Nov 8. Ask if they would like to participate in future food drives.
One day as always in the Prelude to WAR
It is a Moment of CLARITY that CANNOT BE DENIED
The Revolution was The Shot heard around the world
No one truly can make up their Minds
WHY in my Humble opinion it is Quite simply the Lights are still on
Electricity ,this magic from a wall socket and so The PARTY still goes ON
The season of WAR is everywhere and as long as the many can reach for a cold drink, Dinner time an a tv show , an of course a bank account with money in it to go down to the store
Gas pumped into your car all because of the MAGIC JUICE
In the USA the new normal is the same as the normal as long as there is JUICE
And this IS all there is to it ,many will say to simple , JUICE holds it all together
And the DAY will COME and The Thief’s will come along an
Turn out the LIGHTS and DECLARE
Every America First Patriot needs to do everything they can to get out of debt, store enough food to last a couple of months, save enough money to pay your bills for a few months, store up enough means to protect yourself, network with like minded people that are doing the same.
If we get to a point where action is necessary, do nothing. Don’t go to work. Don’t buy anything. No work, no pay, no economy = no taxes. The results we’re looking for is to shut the country down. Those that have done nothing to prepare for the shut down, most likely Democrats or people that plan for nothing and are going no where in life will have no choice but to revolt. These will be the people that Democrats pander to with our money. If they don’t have our money, they can do little for them and they’ll revolt. The government will have no choice but to attack them if they can afford to not pay their thugs to do it. They’ll turn on the government. It’ll spark the revolution we need to happen and all we have to do is nothing…if we’re prepared.
We have to turn them against each other. The only peaceful way we can do that is to prepare to do nothing. Literally nothing. If done on a mass scale, it won’t take long, a week. People get hungry. Hungry people get mad. Let hungry people turn on the government and overwhelm them. The government will go into panic mode and implode like they always do when they become arrogant and drunk on power.
The power of 75+ million Americans shutting down the country will be the seen as the biggest protest of all times.
Get prepared or don’t and we’ll just continue to allow the government to slow roll us until we all have nothing. Then there will be a revolt anyways but it much worse than something planned.
Get involved with your local elections, please. Become pol workers, that is where their intimidation has worked. Know your local voting laws, if you see chicanery record it. Attract attentions to what you are looking at. I live in Massachusetts, daily its like day of the body snatchers. They already have mail in voting boxes to go in front of every fire house in Worcester.
It was allowed without any push back. It feels like you are behind enemy lines sometimes, screw the democrat politicians. Ridicule is the armament to use. They can’t stand to be made sport of. I can’t tell you how many people laughed at that picture of Garland in a sun hat and evening gown as the reason for the fbi assault, and thats what is was.
Moderated replies. Cool, thank God I’m not a bomb thrower … oops, I used “God” and “Bomb”, so this post will ALSO never see the light of day. Bye bye Am Last Report.
Spammers gonna spam. Some people LOVE seeing viagra ads so they like posting to sites that don’t moderate them. Then, there are those who LOVE malware so they demand no moderation on comments because they support cyberattacks against America. We moderate comments because we do not like spam or malware, but we won’t moderate stupid comments, including this one.
It’s all about mid terms. No violence unless they cheat and win. If they cheat and win again we will never get a peaceful outcome because the system is rigged. If they cheat and don’t win we can do this peacefully. It will take a little more time but it can be done as long as the conservatives go full force and we must take back the house and senate by a veto proof majority. If not, then there will be civil war or outright revolution.
Just remember, there are those of us who are trapped behind enemy lines (cities) and can’t get out for a great variety of reasons. We will be the first to bear the brunt of what goes down.