Comments on: Gavin Newsom’s Wife Reportedly Stepped in to Shut Down His Debate With Ron DeSantis American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sat, 02 Dec 2023 18:04:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tom Pernia Sat, 02 Dec 2023 18:04:50 +0000 Thats because Newsom has done nothing for California. So he had no talking points to brag about. The state is in utter chaos and debt. And she saved him from a big embarrassment.

By: CLEARLY101 Sat, 02 Dec 2023 15:19:11 +0000 The American People have to VOTE FOR TRUMP no matter what your political leaning is. Or, you will be sentencing your children to a life of marxist murder, mayhem, rape, assault, robbery, arson, destruction of property, carjackings, breaking and entering, and all other forms of LIBERAL CORRUPTION. VOTE TRUMP, SAVE YOUR FAMILY.
