Comments on: GenZ Is Furious About the Economy and They Are Blaming Previous Generations for Wrecking It American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Wed, 22 May 2024 21:10:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jacqui Bulkley Wed, 22 May 2024 21:10:18 +0000 In reply to Pieter.

I am in full agreement with your assessment!
And just to be sure, as a Gen Xer, I have been waiting my entire life for my generation to “take the reins” from the radicals left over from the Boomers. I’m STILL waiting, and now we have been passed over for the Millennials. You know, the generation raised on “Participation Trophy’s”, being shuttled around and protected from EVERYTHING by their overly “image-absorbed” helicopter parents without actually learning about how to be an aware and responsible adult.
These children are more driven by their “feewings” than by common sense, and they vote accordingly. All this debt we are currently drowning under is a direct result of the Social Engineering policies that have been enacted over the past 70+ years. However, not to be discluded are the “nation-building” practices being quietly added to “Infrastructure Bills” sending American taxpayer dollars to foreign countries to further Globalist Ideologies and promote an antipathy to National Sovereignty around the globe.
The WEF is anti-human
Davos discusses for the destruction of free will
The Globalists only want humanity to exist for their own enslavement.

By: Pieter Mon, 13 May 2024 18:40:11 +0000 In every generation, the doers are the greatest. So, after ww2 lots of them were into rebuilding the country and society. But with each generation following, the doers declined while the top layer increased. That’s in the end the exact reason why she has to work even harder and more to keep the lights on – in this country too. Too few actual creators, too many numberists.

By: StarGladiator Mon, 13 May 2024 14:28:14 +0000 “If I was a member of Gen Z, I would feel the exact same way.”

Understandable — Snyder’s woefully ignorant on finance, economics and history — probably why he’s got an economics blog!?

While I do not believe in generational causality and blaming — technically it was the “GREATEST GENERATION”★ which architected the offshoring of America, led by David Rockefeller and his stooges, Peter G. Peterson, Kissinger and Jack Welch et al.

They also perptrated, while others ignored, the assassinationa of JFK, MLK amd RFK!

★ The term originally coined by PuppetMedia stooge and member of David Rockefeller’s TRILATERAL COMMISSION — Tom Brokaw!

[THE GRIFT: Credit derivatives, the almost infinite fractionalization of the Fractional Reserve System —- for every $1 on hand banks can loan out — create — $8 traditionally. Introduce endless categories of credit deriviates and that $8 becomes $1,000, then another type of derivatives, and it becomes $1 million, another category, then it becomes $100 million — so for every $1 on hand $1 million to $100 million lent out?! Then collapse, central bankers replenishing banks/hedge funds liquidity, and the rest of us are royally scrëwed in the assets transfer to the super–rich!]
