Comments on: ‘He Sees All White People as Racist’: Military Assessment Criticizes Air Force Colonel’s Leadership American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Fri, 03 Nov 2023 14:32:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Fri, 03 Nov 2023 14:32:46 +0000 I find it infinitely ANNOYING and FRUSTRATING that complete simpletons like JONSSON and too many others completely fail to realize that DEI are communist political minder systems —— this is BLATANTLY OBVIOUS!

SecDef MARK ESPER, under the Trump Administration, implemented DEI at the Pentagon and military; President Trump did fire ESPER and veto the NDAA fully implementing it, but his veto was UNFORTUNATELY overridden!!!

The two fellow graduating class members at West Point, ESPER and POMPEO, did much damage to national security while in office —- obviously both were covert operators who did not exhibit their true colors until appointed to high office! Nothing obvious in Esper’s background to indicate he would go full globalist/communist and restructure the US military as a communist organization!

Ditto Matt Pottinger, who later joined the Bilderberg Group (not sure if Pompeo and Gen. McMaster are members, but they both have appeared there since)!? Pottinger’s daddy was one of the first to suggest FBI’s Mark Felt as “Deep Throat” — accepted falsity, only Kissinger or Woodward qualifed for that!!!

By: StarGladiator Fri, 03 Nov 2023 14:18:05 +0000 Nixon’s volunteer military had been a total failure, but then so have all the policies from that Rockefeller errand boy!!!

Many of us predicted this when Nixon ended the draft in 1973!!!!

TWO and ONLY TWO modern presidents beefed up national security and the US military: John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan —–— and Caspar Weinberger was the last decent SecDef in America! PERIOD!

By: StarGladiator Fri, 03 Nov 2023 14:11:14 +0000 First, JONSSON is a hardcore communist — isn’t he the occifer who outlawed the usage of “mother” and “father” and “brother” and “sister” by Academy students?!?! JOHNSSON is the occifer who touted the hoax by Black students on a college campus — dude is a total waste case —- which is why Sen. Tuberville is holding up the promotions of all this TRASH and that is what they are and are doing to the US Milleytary, further trashing a thoroughly trashed organization!!!!

Anyone need only read and research the USS BONHOMME RICHARD DEBACLE, the USS CONNECTICUT CRASH, to fully grasp the MASS DERELICTION OF DUTY of the officer class today —— in the Bonhomme Richard case, at least FOUR ADMIRALS and THIRTY officers should have been immediately court-martialed —— ONE and only ONE officer behaved honorably (believe her name is Capt. Angela Tang if I recall correctly??)!

Why is Austin SecDef??? It is public domain knowledge, so why never reported by America’s NON–REPORTERS??? Gen. Austin presided over the disbursement of $700 million to train “Syrian rebels” when Austin was CENTCOM commander, yet ended up with ZERO “Syrian rebels” —— wonder where all that $$$$ disappeared to????? [SOURCE: C–SPAN]
