Comments on: Heart Damage Is NOT Rare or Mild After Covid-19 Booster American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Mon, 31 Jul 2023 10:27:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sean Bennett Mon, 31 Jul 2023 10:27:00 +0000 Sorry, can you explain how you get 1 in 5 when the study you cite says 1 in 35? I may very well may be dense and the obvious is eluding me, but I wanted to make sure because I told my son this and now I’m reading more closely and it seems to indicate 1 in 35. Maybe that’s just a mistake on the editor’s part putting 1 in 5 when it should have been 1 in 35? Otherwise, thank you for the information and I really appreciate you taking the time to inform us!

By: StarGladiator Mon, 31 Jul 2023 04:14:34 +0000 Very good article: awhile back, a large cluster of doctors in the same region of Canada began dropping dead (UCOD) after their latest spikevax booster shot which was mandatory for them.

In the same timeframe, healthcare workers in Denmark —- according to a recent study from there — who received booster shots from the same batch also experienced side effects of a serious nature.

The first batches go to healthcare/hospital workers, the area where it is easiest to control mortality details and data —- as in fabrication of cause of death, etc.

Is it intentional to wipe out the medical sector?!?! Or happenstance???

I do not pretend to know, but do know that spike proteins were recognized as cytotoxic going back to HIV in the 1980s — why the sudden maedical science amnesia?!
