Comments on: Henry Kissinger Is Positioning the World for War American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Mon, 15 Aug 2022 13:48:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Mon, 15 Aug 2022 13:48:53 +0000 In reply to Ben.

The word of warning, is that he may or may not share all of their vision and agenda. The Bible tells there will be much deception, and strong delusion to believe it.

Some aspects, we know he will share to some degree, based on characteristics described in scripture. For example, he will not respect the desire of women. Which could mean he will be homosexual, will be against women having children or keeping and nurturing their own children, against men who desire women, could make himself appear to be a woman, all of the above, or any number of things we have not considered.

But he may present himself as their enemy. They may be his “controlled opposition” at least in part.

By: Ben Mon, 15 Aug 2022 13:29:22 +0000 In reply to Ben.

The Bible foretells this. It tells of the chaos, strife, and difficulties preceding the rise of the Antichrist. Financial difficulties, war, strife, chaos. Things getting worse and worse.

This is Satan at work. Setting the stage. What he wants is to step on the stage and be worshiped. He wants mankind to accept and welcome him. He wants to be mankind’s savior. And when the Antichrist, possessed by Satan himself, takes that stage, for a short time it will appear that he is.

God will allow it to happen as a matter of His judgement of mankind. The final judgement.

If that is the time we are entering, then whatever TPTB do, it will work toward that end. The one controlling them will see to it. Of the options in front of them, then, what would be the most likely …

By: Ben Mon, 15 Aug 2022 13:00:58 +0000 Their problem is that they don’t have the support of the people, and without that support there cannot be a conventional war. The powers that be are out on a limb by themselves, perhaps realizing they don’t have the power they thought they had. Perhaps realizing they shouldn’t have gone to war against us. Nobody’s going to fight for their Godless agenda and vision. Nobody’s going to fight to defend them.

Who’s going to fight so their children will be taken from them and indoctrinated into all manner of abominable sin? Who’s going to fight so they will not be able to live and work without having to support, endorse, and even celebrate it? Who will fight for funding of slaughtering babies in the womb? Who’s going to fight for their own slavery, for every spare penny to be taken from them? Who will fight for eating insects and lab grown food? Who will fight so they can own nothing? The list is miles long.

What MEN would fight for their agenda? What MEN would fight for their vision for the country and the world?

No good men would.

They are kicking against the pricks. Wasting their breath. Out on a dead, crumbling limb by themselves, with the noose they made for us wrapped around their own neck. The only question is how despotic are they. How desperate are they. To what lengths will they go. Or will they humble themselves and back off, realizing nobody wants to buy their snake oil. If they can’t have a conventional war, and they can’t, then what options do they have? Increasingly, their only options are becoming either they give up on their totalitarian agenda and vision for how they have decided the world should be, or they go to war without the people, which involves red buttons, missiles, and megatons, then impose their vision on the few who survive. How far will they push it?

By: ipmala Sun, 14 Aug 2022 20:06:13 +0000 This old JEW will never die.
How old is he now…. 98 ??
He was around during the Kennedy Administration.
He also had a hand in the Vietnam War.
