Comments on: Here Come “Programmable Dollars”: New York Fed and 12 Banking Giants Launch Digital Dollar Test American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Wed, 16 Nov 2022 16:11:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mr_Yesterday Wed, 16 Nov 2022 16:11:32 +0000 Comments available here:

Yo, NoQ, land with the one main site already, this mirrored thing is tough to work with from a blogging perspective. The Daily Liberty is still linking to NoQ not America First, hence all the blog traffic. Perhaps consider an auto redirect sort of tool so you can just leave NoQ! as a place holder or something?

When it comes to digital censorship it’s not the web owners responsibility to navigate, but rather the users whom would review the content. So instead of chasing the digital dragon by his tail, push some more articles and general guidance HOwz Tozz SHarezLinks (dot) cOMz, and such. It’s tedious but is a skill everyone will eventually simply have to adopt, how to read a web link, copy it, clean it up so it works, yet bypasses the language recognition censorship tools and such.

Sorry big tech, censorship will never be as easy as typing in a web address you don’t want people to share. It’s like all these tech users have no clue how to program a modem or a router. A sad state of affairs for the power users of the world. People need to ditch the mobile tech and get back to high speed PC usage so they can actually take control and be power users. All the idiots of the world with cell phones, so self gratified like they know tech or something, they’re dummy toys for tiny minds. With over half of all internet users no longer even owning a PC, much less using them, we are losing the battle for internet control based on these consumer habits. The solution is not in always forming new sites or mirrored services, but rather promoting a classical wired high powered user in control personal computer experience, if accessing the internet through your ethernet. Cheers.

(FYI, thanks for cleaning up the name entry tiles to enter blog name and email, they’re working better now.) Perhaps you could auto mirror all reader blog entry content across all your mirrored sites? That’s a technical feat which would work well and nobody would miss a beat, you could have like 10 different landing pages which could always change, if you could pull that one off. Real time congruent blog entry mirroring across multiple mirrored matching content websites, to be precise.

Censor that! Gotcha again big tech. For every stupid move like shadow banning or site blocking or link blocking or whatever, there is a counter. Like I’m still lurking on twitter without ever needing a login. It’s an ad free experience, for real! All you do is click login, then click the back button. The method keeps changing but that’s what is working right now. Pick up someone elses written script line to block the annoying blue bar. It’s not rocket science. Think outside the box is all I’m saying. NoQ is much appreciated, had this site linked for a while now.
