Comments on: Here’s Where Americans Are Feeling the Greatest Pain Under Bidenomics American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sun, 03 Dec 2023 02:13:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Sun, 03 Dec 2023 02:13:00 +0000 “Experts”????

The director of the Center for American Prosperity is Jim Carter, who was with the George Weasel Bush Administration, that member of the pro–CCP Bush family who ENDORSED Manchurian Joe TransBiden for the presidency!

What was the first action taken by the Bush Administration AFTER the attacks on 9/11???

They disbursed funds to chambers of commerce across America to host seminars on the most efficient manner for local corporations to OFFSHORE AMERICAN JOBS, thereby further dismantling the economy!

Those are your experts!

Reminds me of Bill Gates’ unscheduled layoff of 1,000 employees and contractors in Redmond on 9/12/01, taking advantage of all the media attention focused on the horrific attacks and 3,000 plus deaths! First I read about those Redmond layoffs was over a year later in the Puget Sound Business Journal, although I did hear about it earlier from several of the laid off workers!

By: StarGladiator Sun, 03 Dec 2023 01:57:44 +0000 Articles like this are sooo 1950s and ultra–silly: Manchurian Joe and the regime pulling his puppet strings are hellbent in ENDING AMERICA, destroying all sectors beginning with the energy sector and all else, along with ALL public safety and national security!

In the short run, bringing in millions of ILLEGALS will collapse wages, destroy the housing market, overwhelm social and medical services, etc. — — — in the long run, defund citizenship and annihilate national idemtity!

All this parsing CUHRAP is just that, intended to confuse and bewilder – have no use for this writer!

When someone is nuking us, taking time out to describe windage and velocity is INFINITELY SILLY!
