Comments on: How Do We Stop ESG and DEI From Destroying Capitalism? American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Thu, 29 Jun 2023 04:29:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ben Thu, 29 Jun 2023 04:29:09 +0000 The answer is we can’t stop it. Only the Lord can stop it. We can and should stand against it, but ultimately if the Lord is allowing it as a matter of judgement, then it’s going to run its course, like any and every Romans 1 type of judgement. And if all that is going on these days is leading up to the final judgment, and I believe it likely is, it won’t stop until the the greatest tribulation is passed and the Lord Himself throws Satan into the abyss once and for all.

Nobody wants to hear that, but it’s the truth.

The Bible is fairly clear on the fact that the Antichrist’s economic system is not free market capitalism. It is going to be destroyed, ultimately along with everything else. And things are headed in that direction, just as foretold.

By: StarGladiator Wed, 28 Jun 2023 18:32:04 +0000 So under which administration were those communist political minder systems —- DEI —- implemented at the Pentagon/DoD???

It may surprise many to learn —- INCLUDING THE AUTHOR OF THIS PIECE —– the Trump Administration!

MARK ESPER inserted it into the NDAA and Trump signed it, then Esper left to join the Atlantic Council and the Aspen Strategy Group —- need we say more???

By: StarGladiator Wed, 28 Jun 2023 17:09:02 +0000 “What Is ESG and DEI?”

“DEI as the marketing gimmick . . . .”

“Citizens can lobby their representatives . . .”

I have been losing faith in the Epoch Times lately —- the last few years the articles by the Chinese and Chinese–American journalists and authors are outstanding, but the ones by the eternally clueless Euro–American are frequently beyond simpleton!!!

First, one must possess the rudimentary brainpower to recognize COMMUNIST POLITICAL MINDER SYSTEMS —— DEI is exactly that, structured exactly as political minder systems set on place by Mao Zedong, Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro, etc.

What is wrong with the uninformed, uneducated people today?!?!

It would help if the article author knew anything about BlackRock and Vanguard and State Street and Fidelity?!

BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity are the ultimate example of the ultra–cross–shareholding financial construct —– it is ludicrous that Hagan is pointing out massive board representation without mentioning this — or being abysmally ignorant of it. When two companies are cross–shareholders in each other, it quadruples their power and financial control —— now imagine a the Big Four who are the major shareholders in the majority of major corporations —– plus beingmthe major,shareholders in each other!?

Any plebe or rube today urging us to contact our congressional representatives is seriously beyond ignorance!
