Comments on: It’s Time to Eradicate Divisive DEI Programs From Government American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Mon, 24 Jun 2024 13:31:14 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Mon, 24 Jun 2024 13:31:14 +0000 What is sooooo DEEPLY DISTURBING about all these endless articles on DEI is the absolute failure to describe this obscene indoctrination for what it actually is:


I am appalled anyone over the age of 30 years does not grasp this; especially those over the age of 50?!

A nation of historical illiterates!?

This, with some variations, is straight out of Mao Zedong’s bloody Cultural Revolution (1966 — 1976)!

While one appreciates that FINALLY, FINALLY, FINALLY some congress critters are taking action, one wonders how much damage has been done?!

The FACT that is was implemented at the DoD/Pentagon, and at the intelligence agencies, under the Trump Administration (SecDef MARK ESPER, Atlantic Council, Chertoff Group) should be a major WARNING to any sentient citizen — mindless simpletons love to gush and claim the masterful Trump (incapable of locating his draft dodging vägina) did all these garbage to reveal all “our enemies” — while further destroying America in the process and paving the way for Manchurian Joe bin Biden – is proof positive of the number of witless twisted fools extant in the American electorate!

Heard Ann Coulter on BlazeTV a few daya back, she made some excellent points but then ends the show with the utterly insanely idiotic claim that Trump “lost” the 2020 election?! One could view real‐time how the ballot counts were being “fractionalized” on the NY Times election updating web site as Edison Research downloaded the data!!!

Un–frigging–believable! Blatantly obvious that Dominion, ES&S, Clear Ballot Group, Edison Research, BallotTrax, AWS — coordinated through the CISA/EI–ISAC Network — altered everything!

A nation of Ameritards!
