Comments on: JPMorgan Chase to Shut Down Nearly 160 Bank Branches Across the U.S. American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:12:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:12:56 +0000 Very recondite, little known fact: for decades there was always a Bush family member at Goldman Sachs; a Bush, or Walker or White name will appear on their employee rolls, and definitely a Bush family member!?

How very obscure –– of course, like Robert Mueller’s family fortune, the Bush family fortune originated from the Rockefeller family (via Frank Rockefeller, John D.’s younger sibling) who gave the Ohio Buckeye Ball Bearing Company to Samuel Bush for some unknown reason?!?! (Like Robert Mueller’s Truesdale ancestors were handed a Rockefeller railroad, but in their case we know that it was payment for dynamiting the refineries of competitors to the Rockefeller interests, then other Truesdale shysters defended the Truesdale dynamiters in court!)

During the JFK Administration at least 40 members of that administration were financially connected to the Rockefeller Brothers Fund (doubtful President Kennedy was aware of that)!? JPMorganChase is traditionally a Rockefeller bank, so these are pertinent facts!

By: StarGladiator Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:59:52 +0000 Citi Bank and Citigroup, strangely sold MONEY–BACK GUARANTEED CDOs, which were illegal under tax law deductions for “investments” as they did NOT fit the legal definition —— yet somehow the US Government bailed out Citigroup (largest recipient of those TARP bailout funds in America) so therefore supported those money–back guaranteed CDOs?!?!

Their head of Alternate Asset Management then was Jack Lew, later to be the Obama Treasury Secretary —- good golly Ms. Molly?!?!

Weird how all this random CUHRAP works???

By: StarGladiator Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:52:46 +0000 The top banks, secretly owned by nobody knows who —- as a finance professor stated in 1973 —— I repeat 1973, 1973, 1973 — — nobody knows who owns the banks, a major secret the rubes never glean onto!!!

Their major sharehoders, of course, are BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity, who are the major shareholders in each other, thus forming a singular ultra–cross–shareholding financial construct, beyond the comprehension of the typical AmeriRube, but who are those shareholders through those investment firms — — NOBODY KNOWS!

The newly elected President Bill Clinton’s strange first action as president was to direct the SEC to drop their mandatory requirement for Wall Street investment firms noting who their PRIMARY INVESTORS (owners) were, thus hiding ownership?!?! Odd action for a guy who didn’t know squat about finance?!?!

Probably simply the logical precursor to the fullscale adoption of CBDC to fully control the masses, the peasant class of North America! This is supposition on my part as I have no special insider knowledge —— all I know for certain is that NONE OF THE PUPPETMEDIA ever bothered to report that Saule Omarova, the fave of the Federal Reserve and Peterson Institute, founded by David Rockefeller and Peter G. Peterson, the Rockefeller protégé (JPMorganChase is historically a Rockefeller bank), who was that rejected nominee to head the OCC, was a major evangelist for the CBDC and central banking control!

Odd no fake newsy would mention that?????

By: StarGladiator Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:38:37 +0000 But will JPMorganChase, which formed a partnership with the Bank of China dating back to 1973, open up branches elsewhere???

When Manpower, then the largest temporary personnel agency, closed 1,000 offices across America in 2003, they then OPENED 900 offices in China!?!?

JPMorganChase, then not fully named in 2000, purchased the international banking concern, Flemings, based out of Hong Kong. The banking firm, the same Fleming family Ian Fleming, raconteur and author of 007, James Bond, was from!

The original Flemings founder built his fortune as an enterprising Brit who sold SANDBAGS to the armies of America during the CIVIL WAR, then funneled that money into banking!

Is America being SANDBAGGED???
