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Editor’s Commentary: We’ve grown accustomed to lies coming out of Washington DC in recent years. In fact, it’s very difficult to find any truths intermingling with the plethora of lies ever since Joe Biden was installed into the White House. But one of the biggest whoppers since the regime came into power was told recently about Ukraine.
On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I dove into an article by JD Heyes from Natural News talking about how Biden’s Treasury Department has been unable to find ANY indications of waste, corruption, or fraud in more than $100 billion in aid sent to Ukraine so far. That’s like saying they flipped a coin 100 times and every time it came up heads. Every dollar sent to Ukraine has at best a 50/50 chance of being misspent, so to claim they see nothing is the ultimate “Sergeant Schultz” moment.
Propaganda: Biden’s Treasury Dept. Claims No U.S. Funds Are Being Misused in Ukraine in Latest Push to Justify More Aid
The current regime came into power based on the lie that Joe Biden actually won the 2020 election, garnering more than 80 million votes with a faulty mind and campaigning from his basement, and the lies continue to flow from the administration on a daily basis to justify ongoing bad policies.
One of them is providing tens of billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, which, before Russia’s invasion about a year ago, was considered one of the most corrupt countries in Europe, if not the most corrupt — all of which explains why Joe and Hunter Biden were ‘doing business’ there.
Now, the regime’s Treasury Department is claiming, beyond any reasonable justification, that none of the monetary and military aid being provided to Ukraine compliments of the U.S. taxpayer is being misused or ‘misappropriated’ (stolen), though a recent report out of the country blows up that propaganda.
According to a Reuters report:
The U.S. Treasury Department on Tuesday said it had no indication that U.S. funds had been misused in Ukraine, but would continue to work closely with Ukrainian authorities to ensure appropriate safeguards were in place to avert corruption.
It was the Treasury’s first comment on the issue after Ukraine’s government last week dismissed a slew of senior officials in the country’s biggest political shake-up of the war following corruption allegations.
“We have no indication that U.S. funds have been misused in Ukraine,” Treasury spokesperson Megan Apper said in response to a query from the newswire service. “We welcome the ongoing efforts by the Ukrainian authorities to work with us to ensure appropriate safeguards are in place so that U.S assistance reaches those for whom it is intended.”
She went on to say that the U.S. Treasury will continue working with the World Bank to track American monetary disbursements “to confirm that they are used as intended, as well as with Ukraine and other partners to tackle corruption.”
Sure, they will.
As reported by Business Insider, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy earlier this month fired at least nine government officials, some of whom were taking bribes and helping themselves to a portion of the cash flowing into the country:
Four deputy ministers and five regional governors were sacked by Ukraine’s cabinet on Tuesday, according to the Telegram channel of Oleg Nemchinov, the secretary of the cabinet of ministers.
Ukraine’s deputy prosecutor general, Oleksiy Symonenko, also announced his resignation on the same day, the BBC reported.
“The wave of dismissals and resignations comes as some of Ukraine’s top leaders were accused of buying military food at inflated prices and taking luxury holidays as their countrymen fight Russia’s invasion,” the report continued.
Ukraine would see “no return to the way things used to be,” Zelenskyy said in a video address following the sackings, adding that the coming week would be the “time of appropriate decisions.”
In August 2021, NBC News reported that through multiple U.S. administrations, officials knew that there was rampant corruption and misallocation of funds and equipment in Afghanistan but did nothing to stop it, claiming to be much more concerned about providing security, though in the end, Washington got neither.
“The sudden collapse of the government in Afghanistan, as well as the tragic images of Afghans trying to flee the surging Taliban, has politicians and the U.S. commentariat scrambling for answers. Some have blamed the administration for a botched evacuation. Others have blamed presidents current and past, either for making ham-fisted deals or for ignoring the lessons of previous American occupations,” the report began.
“The Taliban’s swift conquest is attributable to many factors. But one that crosses multiple administrations yet is getting very little attention right now is corruption. Specifically, the kind of corruption the U.S. aided and abetted over many years, glad-handing crooked officials and stalling anti-corruption investigations, as ordinary Afghans struggled and watched officials grow wealthier and wealthier,” the report continued.
“While corruption can hardly be described as the sole reason for the Afghan government’s disintegration, it is a consistent through-line of multiple American administrations — and an element that the U.S. has consistently overlooked,” it added.
Who seriously believes that now, the U.S. is monitoring all of the billions going to Ukraine?
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Alternative Video Sources:
Biden's Treasury Dept Claims All Aid Being Laundered Through Ukraine Is Being Used Properly https://t.co/3NNQHBVaxR
— JD Rucker (@JDRucker) February 4, 2023
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