Comments on: Meal Ticket No More: The ‘Gold Standard’ Private Pensions Exposed Now as High-Wire Busts American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:26:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Duncan Adams Wed, 14 Sep 2022 13:26:25 +0000 I’ve been wait’n for this sh*** … this is gonna be sweet … more poverty …. what happens when you’re old – hungry – broke and hopeless – go watch the movie Falling Down …
Now you give a shit why .. cause that’s all you got left you own. Just a pile of sh*&# … Man is the destruction of America gonna be fun to watch ….

By: Fred Porter Wed, 14 Sep 2022 04:38:25 +0000 The bottom line to all of this is that those of us who did not ever have any sort of a guaranteed pension or retirement, worked for far lower salaries, and did our best to save what little we could, will end up having to pay higher taxes to the Federal Government so they can bail out all these criminally conceived ponzi-scheme plans to pay out to people who will be drawing more annually in retirement than we will ever make during our entire time as tax paying, full-time employees. As if this private sector version of “social security” isn’t bad enough, there’s social security that we’re paying more into now than we’ll ever see in benefits since the money we pay in goes straight out the door to pay the benefits of those folks already retired, whose money was already spent by the criminal politicians that was supposed to be in Al Gore’s lock box to be paid to them today. ALL the politicians that voted to create and continue this massive vote-buying ponzi-scheme should be put in cells in the same facility which served as the “retirement home” for Bernie Madoff.
