Comments on: Mike Adams: Do Not Fear the Collapse, for It Is Necessary to Dismantle the Evil Cabal and Give Humanity a Path to Freedom American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Tue, 11 Oct 2022 12:28:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ploni Tue, 11 Oct 2022 12:28:29 +0000 Shalom from Jerusalem, JD & Mike.

Most people do not understand The Biggest Picture, what is actually occurring:

God Almighty the Creator is extricating the Jewish People from their long and arduous (2,000-year-old) exile amongst the nations.

We are witnessing, one by one, the Husks of Evil being dismantled to make way for a new and redeemed world. The travails of exile will soon conclude with the birth of the Moshiach, the Anointed One, the True Messiah.

The Prophets and Sages foresaw it all . . . and wrote it down for those of us who can decipher the Holy Tongue Hebrew. The process is proceeding like clockwork.

Be strong and of good courage.
