Comments on: Norovirus Outbreaks: Cruise Ships Are “Breeding Grounds” American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Mon, 03 Jul 2023 05:21:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Mon, 03 Jul 2023 05:21:05 +0000 Occasionally I visit a an old invalided buddy in Seattle to run errands for him.

Cannot believe the cruise ships pulling into Seattle and the tourists pouring out —- don’t they realize that there is essentially little to no police force there?! Up and down Fourth Avenue in downtown Seattle they advertise publicly the sale of illegal drugs —— just the other week a mother, 8–months pregnant with what was to be her second child, was horribly executed at Fourth and Lenora in a vehicle stopped for the traffic light! Murdered by some strange, out–of–town psycho!

Both mother and child perished! This is on the corrupt mayor, useless SPD and worthless city government and rich, Maoist city council, which chased away the police professionals while living in their $1 million plus homes —– the oppressed Maoist councilmembers of Seattle!!!

SIDEBAR: I wouldn’t say cruises were “demonized” as a primary Covid contagion vector was a medical science symposium in Singapore, attended by many who flew out of the Wuhan International Airport, conveniently allowed to remain open while other transportation venues were closed there! Those infectious attendees then boarded cruise ships from Singapore to elsewhere, effectively spreading the virus!
