Comments on: Original Antigenic Sin — The Hidden Danger of Covid Shots American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Tue, 27 Sep 2022 18:42:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: JBnID Tue, 27 Sep 2022 18:42:31 +0000 No mask, no jabs, no problem.
Never follow the delusional anywhere.

By: astonerii Tue, 27 Sep 2022 16:31:18 +0000 All part of the plan, along with AIDS.

By: Ozzonelayyer Tue, 27 Sep 2022 14:36:26 +0000 We’re too late. The double jab + booster jab was enough for a majority that took it. Some may need a second booster jab to complete the process. Destroy natural immunity and depopulation will commence.

By: TheTexasCooke Tue, 27 Sep 2022 13:54:47 +0000 Occam’s Razor: The solurion with the minimum number of assumption is the more likely solution.

The explanation as proposed in the above explanation…OR…your immune system is so occupied dealing with a foreign protein the jab has programmed YOUR OWN CELLS TO MANUFACTURE, that it can no longer deal with viruses that once was v routinely suppressed. Your body only has a limited number of ways to deal with a virus. It finds a virus….it responds. The mRNA jab programs cells to produce the spike protein….instead of the proteins it needs to repair/maintain itself….eventually it dies….new jab, new cells programmed. Regardless of what the tests claim, subsequent “covid” infections are really other viruses instead. You don’t really catch a cold. Cold viruses are routinely suppressed by gamma-globulins that are temperature sensitive. Mammals constant body temperatures maintain the gamma-globulin effectiveness. But get a chill, and the viruses are released. Run a fever and gamm-globulin effectiveness is increased and the viruses are put bat in the box. The mRNA jab makes your immune system ineffective in a similar, yet parallel, way.

Which explanation includes the most facts and the fewest assumptions? You decide.

By: Maggie Frair Tue, 27 Sep 2022 13:40:09 +0000 The government, the CDC, NIH have totally bastardized the medical industry! With all the horror the covid vaccines have created, how can anyone have any faith or trust in doctors and the medical community about anything!
