Comments on: Psychotherapist: The New Normal Is a “Dark and Hideous Creature Raising Its Head Out of the Muck of Human Shadow” American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Wed, 22 Jun 2022 22:17:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: JungianINTP Wed, 22 Jun 2022 22:17:28 +0000 For a deeper psychological understanding :

Forwarded Message :

Dear ScienceDaily Editor,

The Root-Cause Psychology Driving
Male/Female, Right/Left ( respectively )
Conflicts ( firstly, hemisphericity and
male/female dynamics; secondly, ‘Sex
Ed. 101’; thirdly, gender dysphoria from
broken families—in below sections ) :

— copy to paper, for future reference —


— My Organic Psychology Explains this Near-Death of the West —

( ’Socialized Hemispherectomy’—Via Liberals’/Libertines’ Public Schools )

Barb Oakley had described in her book, “Evil Genes . . . ,” how flummoxed she had been to hear Soviet COMRADES discuss with each other how wonderful and superior
communism is—compared with Western, non-centralized, meritorious capitalism.

In the early Seventies, I had had a similar experience with an otherwise brilliant guy, who believed the Soviet Model to be far superior to the West‘s—no matter my recounting the deadly/evil/worse-than-Hitler horrors of Bolshevik Russia’s collectivist society (( after Jewish leadership tracks down that last living Nazi, they’ll begin hunting Bolsheviks who had escaped to hide in the Christian West?—keep in mind Nazism and Communism are sister political camps of anti-individual C O L L E C T I V I S M )).

My two synonymous terms :

“ Brain Blindness ”


“ Utopi-Psychosis, “

address an actual, organic condition of
that Soviet brain – of L E F T I S M – called,
“Socialized H E M I S P H E R E C T O M Y”
( My term—for describing the ROOT Cause
of today’s failing, Marxian, Feminized
Public mis-/mal-/un-Education in the West. ).

There are 3 possible means to removing the LOGICAL/Moral/Executive side of the human brain (( the left-hemisphere’s pre-frontal lobe, used to pass that “marshmallow test”—which passing is very high among Whites and Asians but very low among Blacks and Brown Hispanics; and how may any space-age society keep its science-edge while its collective IQ is plunging!, because of minority demands for more and more Affirmative Racism hires ? )) :

1. damage during embryonic development

2. surgically removing the left-logical hemisphere

3. mis-/mal-/un-education over decades!, via music/art/theater/entertainment/feelings
teachings —Public Schools’ ongoing FOLLY
(( BALANCE!, warned the ancient Greeks—
but, now, academic RIGOR is to be shunned
because – the braindead have warned us! –
academic scholarship smacks of “White
Supremacy” – rigor! – which actually is White
Christians’ Preservationism / Preservancy
of the highest High-Culture society in world
history )).

The late British author Colin Wilson, a correspondent of mine, had sent a book to me, in the mid-Eighties, which describes what had been the result of surgically removing a tumor-damaged left hemisphere (( masculine, logic-driven side of the brain ))—in an adult male.

After recovering from the hemispherectomy, he lacked restraint from the compulsion to stop his left arm/hand (( right-hemisphere-controlled side—keep in mind cross-lateralization of brain-body functions )) from unzipping and dropping his pants (( note that that impulse to exhibit a lack of (sexual) restraint is very strong in Democrats, who GLEEfully advocate for the S & M movie franchise, “Fifty Shades . . .” ))—as his right hand (( the left-hemisphere-controlled side—what had remained of it after surgery )) tried and tried to restrain his left, emotion-driven hand (( recall that the Hebrews’ Torah warns against turning to the LEFT—warns against using the emotional-/musical-/feelings-driven right-hemisphere )), as being SINISTER/Foolish while advising to turn RIGHTward!—to be WISE!, by using the logic-driven, algorithmic, don’t-touch-that-hot-stove-again left hemisphere; and that dichotomous Hemisphericity being unknown to them, yet gleaned from observing male/female differences in behavior; and the Holy Bible warns agains following : “Heart, who can know it?” )).

Soviet Bolshevism had been a full surrender to reptilian-brain appetites (( far more easily reached via the emoting/musical right hemisphere )) : T O R T U R E, rape, robbery, and raucous mayhem (( that’s Democrats’ social character, whenever sharply triggered, such as in the Jacobins’ hellish/bloody/stench-filled French Revolt ))—lusting for the smell of rotting flesh (( to identify one Old-Brain – reptilian – inclination!, and what drives some serial killers to keep going back to where a victim is partially buried, and using the stinking corpse – repetitively! – for orgasmic sexual release/satisfaction )).

In America, the Sex-is-for-FUN // wombed babies are “unviable tissue mass” // and deny-G_d and ANTI-any-virtuous-living Democrat Party has become a serial killer of good civil society (( why it advances/supports those SAVAGE AntifaComs‘ – communists’ – mayhem within our cities, and curiously having an inordinate number of Jewish females in their ranks appearing the most violent—read UNZ-dot-Com report on that matter )) : LEFTISM


GOOD-Morals RIGHTISTS (( keeping clean, not using drugs, picking up litter, and never lusting after porn and kids as sexual objects )) retreats from the battleground (( he may not be evolutionarily equipped to defeat that savage, reptilian brain—which defeat results from good breeding!, partly, not “hooking up” willy-nilly on a Saturday night )).

[[ Or, put another way :
Rightists pick up our TRASH, take
bathes, stay moral, view sex and
wombed babies as sacred!, and
advance Tea Party conservatism
Leftists TRASH everything in view,
crap on cop cars, molest women
and kids, steal from the productive
– to enable the sloth-type “poor” –
and Occupy Wall Street with
libertine, any-thing-goes socialism. ]]

That appeal to EVIL is product of the rise of RADICAL, hear-me-roar feminism, which is Marxism/LEFTISM/Carnalism.

Socialism/Communism is always a cloaked/masked lust for getting at that pretty girl (or boy) standing over there, and an EXCUSE for STEALING neighbors’ property—to be “FAIR” / Equitable.

In short. Leftists hunger for ORGIES, S & M sex and, eventually, CANNIBAL-

Politically, Leftists NASTY POOPelosi ( she steps around poop and pee outside her SF residence—without ANY concern! ) and Chucky-the-Supreme-EMOTER-Shumer ( he’s a prolific LIAR ) secretly hope to rip out MORAL hearts and eat them !

The C O M B A T A N T S are the pre-frontal lobe (( Angel of Light )) and the
amygdala (( Angel of Darkness )); and see references to the two combatant angels in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

All of the above may help you to ponder/understand the ROOT Cause of the West’s – of our! – steep moral/cultural/financial decline (( the C O N D U C T O R of our decline cannot be SAFELY named here )).



# 2

GENETIC Heritage

Forwarded Message :

Dear Reader,

Re : GENETIC Heritage Drives Racial INEQUITIES in Health Outcomes ?

Actually, Genetic Differences in
Temperament and Intelligence
and Personality Cause ALL Racial

GENETICISM Causes Racism; i.e.,
Unequal Social Outcomes are Caused
by the Gene-Configuration passed to
You by Your Parents.


Leftists can’t T H I N K,
but just F E E E E L Their
Way Through Life, to
explain their INSANE idea :

“There is also a ‘note’ that states that any COVID-infected people who are non-white should receive priority for treatment over white people because of ‘inequities.’”



Dear ScienceAlert Editors,

Re :

President Nixon’s Commission on safety of
salable/public porn was comprised of porn
industry advocates!, such as folks from the
American Communist Lawyers Union (ACLU),
concluding for Americans :

“Porn is harmless.” If you believe that . . . !

Pornography had been commercialized for
P R O F I T S—and has wrecked marriages/
families/boys/men and at-large society.

Men are in a constant state of sexual arousal,
because of public displays of females in a
seductive pose—magazines at checkout coun-
ters, TV commercials, movies, etc.

Conservatives are mostly dumb/silent/stupi-
fied by the seductions.

Hugh Hefner had shifted human sexuality from
the SACRED within holy matrimony to “Sex is for
fun” H E D O N I S M ( Sadism/Masochism and,
for an example, that “50 Shades . . . “ franchise ).

And the children are WATCHING !

Wish to save the West ? Then—you’ll have to
shut down those porn industries, and restore
the SACRED to marriage and family, which
now are steeped in SACRILEGE and VULGARITY.



Study my report,
“Sex Ed. 101” :


It’s not ‘Sexual Harassment’


S E X U A L A T T R A C T I O N !

— In Defense of Harvey Weinstein —

– The Secret Life of Boys and Men –

All of you angry (adult) kids, go to the chalkboard and write this line 50 times—particularly those females among you: The sexual response in boys and men is
A U T O N O M I C !

What does “AUTONOMIC” mean? Think H E A R T B E A T.

Can you stop your heart’s beating?

Well, depending on a boy’s or man’s testosterone production, and his general condition of health, HE…CAN’T…CONTROL…HIS…SEXUAL…RESPONSE…TO…A…SEXY-LOOKING…GIRL/WOMAN (( or thoughts about one )).

Why not ?

BECAUSE…IT’S…AN…AUTONOMIC…SYSTEM…AT…WORK…IN…HIM, which is why societies have, for hundreds of millennia, set up rules/traditions for protecting girls/women from boys’/men’s POWERFUL sex drive.

Dumb as a box of rocks girls/women say this stupid remark:

“I can dress any way I like.”

How many girls/women have suffered rape and/or a brutal death on the altar of that stupidity?

Now, go to the chalk board and write this line 50 times:

“Too-high testosterone drives uncontrolled sexual acts.”

Any boy/man who goes to a public place and whips out his tumescent penis is in an uncontrollable sexual condition of arousal. He’s not thinking (( why so very many, after getting caught, remark: “What was I thinking?” )) BECAUSE HE CAN’T THINK! (( while sexually triggered ))—because the blood that would normally activate his pre-frontal lobes (( the decision-making part of his brain )) is flooding his genitalia (( what occurs in a resisting woman but, then, she relents after getting “turned on” )), as he becomes near-perfectly mentally incapacitated (( mother nature designed that incapacitation to ensure propagation of humans even in the face of extreme non-sexy-related conditions, such as in a physically diseased state or in a war or in a natural catastrophe )).

And high testosterone/low I.Q. is a deadly mix.

Now pay close attention, dear (adult) children, those rapists and pedophiles and other sex-driven perverts are victims of MOTHER NATURE’S dirty, anti-male secret:

The sexual response in boys and men is AUTONOMIC! And how that male’s sexual response was ANCHORED during childhood (( masturbating over a porn magazine or Sear’s catalogue; or finding a pair of high heel shoes sexually attractive; or seeing his mother’s/sister’s panties as a turn-on; or finding another child or toddler sexually appealing; or . . . )) determines what turns on his sexual ignition switch in adulthood—and, again, he’ll have no self-control over that sexual response, which is why ubiquitous types of porn put children at risk of linking his sexual response to odd/bizarre sexual triggers!

Harvey Weinstein is sexually anchored to females.

And there are girls/women suffering the same sexual response, but far less intense (( twelve-times less testosterone )), such as those female teachers in that extremely long list of 20-something women, found in WorldNetDaily’s (’s) records of teacher/student sex “assault” cases.

Those Marxian leftists’ Sixties Sexual Revolution has made of the West a ubiquitous visual display of sexy books, magazines, ads, movies, TV sitcoms and dress-any-way-I-like females.

This scribbler has often quipped to my wife, after watching a particularly sexually appealing TV commercial, “Can you see all those teen-age boys sneaking off to get-off?” See Harvey . . . ?

Why that response in teen boys and men? Because once the AUTONOMIC Sexual SYSTEM is turned on (( why boys/men can be raped by a woman—as it’s an involuntary erection )), he has to reach orgasm/ejaculation, in order to release that sexual energy (( some very high-testosterone boys/men must discharge that energy daily, or they become angry, possibly even violent—why elderly women in nursing homes are routinely raped by high-testosterone/low I.Q. orderlies )).

So, dear reader, Harvey Weinstein is a victim of Mother Nature—of this Leftism-effected culture of sexual displays, as are all those sexual perverts visually/sexually turned on by those displays.

Leftist/Libertine Hugh Hefner broke the last line of defense against this now-ubiquitous sexual titillation/seduction of males, after the Marxian-compromised U.S. Supreme Court gave to him, and to all other pornographers, a green light to seduce boys and men for profit.

And, so, having shifted human sexuality from Christians’ millennia of a SACRED COVENANT of male-female marriage – of sacrifice-for-the-children family formations – towards MARXISTS’/HUMANISTS’ sex-is-just-for-fun, abortion-can-fix-any-mistakes, hear-me-roar radical feminism, he had helped to eventuate a massive breakdown of male/female relationships; of nuclear families; of safe and peaceful communities; of well-functioning at-large societies, here and across the Pond; of Western Civilization itself.



Below article found here :

Forwarded Message :

Forwarded Message :

Dear ParentsDefendingEd Officers and Staff,

Re: What you folks don’t

know—because you

are too young :

Regarding the false/phony/fibbing advocates of

“Gender Dysphoria,” this is what was accepted

in the 1950s—when I was being educated ( btw,

the Sixties began the dumbing down from

SCHOLARSHIP to this ever-trending : MAKE ALL


dumb-down curricula to accommodate the lowest

common denominator in the classroom, To Be Fair!

—and the more talented students suffer for the lack

of academic challenges to meet their true potential ) :

Imprinting / Modeling in Two-Parent Nuclear Families :

Raising a boy or girl within the biological,

heterosexual family is CONVERSION Therapy!,

as every child transitions through a period of

confusion, re sexual attraction ( between 8 and

13 years of age, or so )—and, generally, develop

non-homosexual sex attraction because of male/

female parent-identification within a two-parent


Notice how sissified boys raised just by a mother

are!—lacking modeling / imprinting on a father-

figure during their childhood !




[[ Do you have a
MISSION Statement
at the top of your
PAGE ?—It’s not
Whites’ Supremacy
Whites’ Preservancy /
Preservationism ]]

Critical Paragraphs for use
in a M I S S I O N Statement :


Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA)
Commenting on the passage of his
Immigration Act of 1965—His ( broken )
P R O M I S E S :

“Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill
will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants
annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration
remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country
will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will
not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or
the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia.
In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed
measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.
Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals,
illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I
noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is
likely to become a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are
highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out
of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of
our heritage.” (Senate Part 1, Book 1, pp. 1-3)


Read Aristotle’s warnings—from his writings on “Politics” :

On race-mixing:

“Another cause of revolution is difference of races which do not at once acquire a common spirit; for a state is not the growth of a day, any more than it grows out of a multitude brought together by accident. Hence the reception of strangers in colonies, either at the time of their foundation or afterwards, has generally produced revolution.”

On bad democracy:

“[T]he last form of democracy . . . [in which] all share alike . . . [and] the leaders have been in the habit of including as many as they can, and making citizens not only of those who are legitimate, but even of the illegitimate . . . This is the way in which demagogues proceed. Whereas the right thing would be to make no more additions when the numbers of the commonality exceeds that of the notables and of the middle class,—beyond this not to go . . . [these] measures taken by tyrants appear all of them to be democratic. Such a government will have many supporters, for most persons would rather live in a disorderly than in a sober manner.”

On how to install bad democracy:

”Fresh tribes and brotherhoods should be established; the private rites of families should be restricted and converted into public ones; in short, every contrivance should be adopted which will mingle the citizens with one another and get rid of old connections.”


And this, from historian Will Durant:

“A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself within. The essential causes of Rome’s decline lay in her people, her morals, her class struggle, her falling trade, her bureaucratic despotism, her stifling taxes, her consuming wars. The political causes of decay were rooted in one fact – that increasing despotism destroyed the citizen’s civic sense, and dried up statesmanship at its source.”
—The Story of Civilization (Vol.111).


And this prediction of what’s at work,
via the Council on Foreign Relations :

M U R D E R of America ? :


By: marxist slayer Wed, 22 Jun 2022 20:21:04 +0000 the 48% – sme of the shallower-minded surely succumbed , rationalizing go along to not be more repressed/confined. But many just shutup and waited them out – not agreeing or embracing , but simply pragmatic to avoid, torture, imprisonment, or death. Since the tyrannical despots effectively negated the bility for group action against them. Its close to where we are right now.

By: Michael Day Wed, 22 Jun 2022 18:18:14 +0000 Mr Hayden i like to clue you in on simple truths
One is the LEAP OF FAITH
To Truly understand LEAP OF FAITH
You need to believe in
Something that many will never SEE
Something many will never HEAR
BUT Something That can be FOUND
With only a little Effort ON THE
And WHEN In my Humble opinion you FAILED
Leap of Faith is why so many FEAR they have refused the TRUTH
I have seen the TRUTH when the down on their Luck realize I am not luckily
I have taken THE LEAP an have put GODS Will into My life and it is the Guarantee
This is what the covid madness showed me how many FEAR what ever a fool can make up an sound as if HE IS TELLING THE TRUTH

By: BB Wed, 22 Jun 2022 14:00:04 +0000 “Normal” used to be considered behavior that was moral and legitimate within the sphere of the judeo-Christian belief. To behave in an evil or perverse manner was certainly considered abnormal and still is.

By: Lancer Trippel Wed, 22 Jun 2022 13:58:08 +0000 In reply to Bruce C Linder.

The culture may have gone into the abyss, but many of of us got off the culture train years ago.

Let’s go Brandon!

By: Dave Huff Wed, 22 Jun 2022 13:54:03 +0000 I’ve never been normal and am damn proud of it!

By: Bruce C Linder Wed, 22 Jun 2022 13:14:57 +0000 The severity of Liberal totalitarianism seems to come directly from Silicon Valley’s ability to control free speech. Once a small, select group of corporate CEO’s – that put a tentpole in your backyard to broadcast information – were allowed (and even encouraged) to control speech, our culture went into the abyss. We will not escape the abyss until the right of free speech is restored to the Internet. This is not just an American problem, but a world wide concern.

By: truth Wed, 22 Jun 2022 13:13:18 +0000 But a lot of things you’re calling normal now are just the things the MSM talks about.. When you have every single news, entertainment and website telling you the same thing it may seem normal but most people are smart enough to realize it’s just brainwashing.. I completely get your point just disagree..
