Comments on: Report: Babies Breastfed by Mothers Who Took mRNA Vaccines Are Dying American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Thu, 01 Jun 2023 13:03:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: MrMr_Yesterday Thu, 01 Jun 2023 13:03:39 +0000 In reply to Rumplestiltskin.

Put your money where your mouth is and join the resistance. We’ve been loyal supporters of www dot NVIC dot com for some time now. National Vaccine Information Center. With Barbara Loe Fisher, and their sister same company news publication; The Vaccine Reaction. A long term group whom has worked tirelessly over decades to share resources, empower citizens, further the vital understanding of medical autonomy, resist the dictatorial fascist efforts of the pharmasuetical industry to control our lives and poison our bodies. Vaccination is a barbaric practice. The NVIC group provides legislative letter writing and in person call to action events, and they are the premier most effective legal watch dog whom documents and takes action either in support or to not support, for every single vaccine related legislation which is brought forth to this country. The numbers of pharma sponsored legislation efforts continues to astound, the routine pushing of bills which would compromise our rights continues to steam forward. The same bills year after year, repackaged, resold, all with disastrous consequences to our rights and liberties. Phizer marketing strategy; Force them to consume our product. Force them to pay, regardless if they agree (tax based vaccine subsidies). I’ve written so many letters to legislators, which I would otherwise never have done, if not for this groups dedicated efforts to keep members (even non paying members), aware of what’s happening with vaccine related legislation. Also they have convenient state by state maps where you can review the three forms of possible exemptions, learn about each states individual rules for many items including navigating school systems and government tracking databases. Our state continues to push parents around and erode rights, but we push back. The NVIC tools were so helpful, it’s hard to describe. The schools were trying to force us into this central state database and take indoctrination classes and such, but we knew our rights and the law, thanks to NVIC materials. We handed the school a single voluntary opt out page every year and refused to participate with state systems. When the schools tried to push us around, we cited the state laws, and told the schools; No, that is not the requirement, you are wrong, here is the form, you are required to accept it, and our children will continue to attend school without vaccines. I can’t say enough good things about the NVIC group, please support them if you are passionate about informed medical decision making and the right to choose for yourself. Just start by subscribing to the Vaccine Reaction news letter, they are great in only mailing once a week or even once a month, they don’t over do it. Then join the NVIC members group which is free of charge, just to be alerted about legislative letter writing campaigns and call to action. Then if you are able, consider a donation which you can get free literature which can be left at doctors office waiting rooms or given to friends and family, dvd’s, etc, or just donate. This group is where we first learned of the Vaxxed documentary and started following Bigtree and many others. For real, you’re talking about retribution, but with what army? Join the cause in a more official capacity which brings real change, or hold your peace.

By: Mr_Yesterday Thu, 01 Jun 2023 12:50:58 +0000 In reply to Glee.

Yes Glee, accurate. This has been floating around for a while now. Dr Malhotra; ‘delusion of benefit psychosis’. Basically an extension of mass formation psychosis, perpetuating with individuals rather than larger groups of persons, despite all evidence and shifting peer pressure which shows there was no benefit, only harm.

By: Jojo Thu, 01 Jun 2023 04:45:23 +0000 These evil bustards are willing to steal, kill and destroy just like their father, the father of lies.

By: jennifer smith Thu, 01 Jun 2023 04:21:41 +0000 congrats on murdering your baby. one less lib in the world i guess. dont forget to take your next shot. im sure youre due.

By: Chelle Wed, 31 May 2023 14:34:21 +0000 Sounds like the poor thing’s immune system was destroyed, shut down. An mRNA specialty. There will at some point be a day of reckoning.

By: Glee Wed, 31 May 2023 13:48:54 +0000 People who condemned others for not getting vaccines will be THE LAST to admit the vaccine caused illness or death…especially if it harmed their own loved ones. Five reasons: 1) vested interest in never admitting they were wrong (I.e., sick pride), 2) continued media lies about safety and protection from severity of Covid, 3) social and possibly governmental pressure to keep quiet, 4) continued lying by their doctors (also vested interest in not admitting they did wrong), and 5) if they admit the truth, they will be partially or fully guilty for their own or their loved ones deaths and diseases. Many people either coerced their families to be vaxxed or in the case of children, we’re directly responsible for poisoning their own kids. These realities make for strong resistance to truth.

By: Jo Wed, 31 May 2023 13:13:30 +0000 Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci high fiveing somewhere.

By: StarGladiator Wed, 31 May 2023 12:17:26 +0000 Sadly, that’s the plan!

The spike proteins induce microclots, as does poorly or irregularly formed nanotech —- those Graphene Solution–gated Field Effect Transistor arrays!

Yes, yes, rubes claim such older tech is “farfetched” —- as they read that term in “USA Today” or similar communist rags.

Dr. Nagase explained this quite cogently, why he was banned by the fascist NHS!

By: Rumplestiltskin Wed, 31 May 2023 11:48:15 +0000 What is stunning to me is that those who have lost loved ones to that fake mRNA vaccine are not up in arms about that medical tyranny. It is apparent that they have fallen into the trap of believing BS like good little serfs to their own detriment and/or destruction because someone in government said they had to. Not being up in arms is telling, and believe me the drug companies as well as our enemies see this as an opportunity to go full force because there will be nobody to deny them further incursions…….

The CEOs of all those large drug companies need to be taken out behind the barn and given a good lesson in ethics and morals, preferably with a Louisville Slugger until they confess to their crimes. If they don’t, then give them the final Benito Mussolini treatment. Their type of tyranny where they defiled our trust is tantamount to the worst example history has shown us of psychopaths. Does Caligula right any bells with you ???
