Comments on: RFK Jr: Covid May Be an “Ethnically Targeted” Bioweapon to Attack Caucasians and Blacks While Sparing Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sun, 16 Jul 2023 00:06:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Sun, 16 Jul 2023 00:06:31 +0000 Yes, the PLA/Medical Corps has been working on genetic–based biowarfare —- and yes, Covid–19, within the WIV, was introduced to human cells to make it more contagious to humans, but the the batches of human cells were from the local Wuhan population —– Han Chinese —- and a batch brought back with Shi Zhengli from UNC, Euro–American cells, so the two groups most susceptible when it leaked were Han Chinese and Europeans/Euro–ancestry groups!?

This is from a number of research papers, Ralph Baric’s work with Shi and Peter Daszak’s talk before the NY Academy of Medicine in 2016.

[SIDEBAR: Recall that “leaked DARPA letter from Maj. Murphy” from Project Veritas CLAIMING Covid–19 was a “vaccine for bats”????? Then why in creation make it more contagious to humans instead of bats???? Only makes sense for a planned bioweapon! Which it appears was incomplete at the time it leaked!?]
