Comments on: RINOs to Grassroots America: Shut Up! Know Your Place! American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Fri, 06 Jan 2023 20:54:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: DB Fri, 06 Jan 2023 20:54:07 +0000 I hope the stalemate lasts for 2 more years, congress can’t pass or spend anything until a speaker is elected.

For now we’re safe, enjoy it while it lasts.

By: elise hanan Fri, 06 Jan 2023 20:24:15 +0000 In reply to nightDipper.

hey night dipper, you are part fo the problem if you think your action mentioned above is the solution! The whole swamp is a uniparty. voting for the other party does nothing and they don’t care!
The solution is to VOTE IN THE PRIMARIES AND REMOVE THE PERSON CURRENTLY IN CONGRESS FOR THE GOP. FIGHT LIKE HELL FOR THE NON_ESTABLISHMENT GOP MEMBER! Raise money for them, knock on doors get their name recognized locally to others to vote for them in the primaries… not for the establishment chosen person. part of the fight of the 20 now is to end the practice of funding the chosen establishment candidates over patriot/other candidates in the primaries. and in the general elections give money and support to ALL GOP candidates wether you think they are good candidates or not! AND OF COURSE step 2 is DON’T LET THEM CHEAT!

By: nightDipper Fri, 06 Jan 2023 18:45:11 +0000 I am happy I did not vote in the midterms GOP reaped what it had sown. I did not vote for Trump in 20 because the US was still Occupying Syria, I did vote for him in 16. Simply I will vote a straight Dem ticket if Trump is not the GOP candidate.

By: Mark Lemmon Fri, 06 Jan 2023 18:22:59 +0000 The WEF has control over our government… Teaparty time is over with… It’s the “Concord Bridge” moment that seems to be getting close… I don’t know how much more citizens can take…

By: Paul Peterson Fri, 06 Jan 2023 16:38:34 +0000 This is the last stand for the Republican Party which is supposed to present opposition to the Democratic Party. I salute these men and women for their conviction and courage. I know the pressure they are under most be enormous and I’m equally convinced should they succeed in thwarting McCarthy there is already a plan in place that will undermine their success. Steve Scalise McCarthy’s whip is mentioned. He is of the same cloth. I’m so sick of the McConnell logic of let’s just move along, that’s not who we are tripe when they finally achieve power. He doesn’t believe that bull but he convinces the weak. Just move on and don’t impeach a President after what he has done? His family is a criminal outfit, he abandoned Afghanistan, he imposed censorship on all Americans, the border is non existent, he lied about Hunter, he lies about everything and worse yet has the entire free press covering those lies. Ukraine is a money laundering pit 1000 times what planned parenthood was for this Party, tax payer money sent back to the Party in donations. It’s so corrupt. Anyone who stands behind McCarthy or his hand picked replacement is a shill. Face it, the Republican Party should have reformed as a 3rd Party after 2020. It was the perfect chance with a leader that could have pulled half the Party with him. The midterms were a planned disaster to make sure Conservatives have zero voice. Elections became a joke, a joke after 2020, open seasons, no ID, no proof of authenticity, coerced ballot harvesting and judges that sweep it away. The current regime ignores laws and now has openly waged war on the Document that codified the Social Compact that is this Nation, the Constitution setting their cites on outright repeal of the Bill of Rights. Is this so inconsequential that Americans blithely go about their day to day lives unaware or unperturbed? They are subjected to the media vilifying those who standup and ignorantly agree without taking time to find out what it’s all about? Look at the names of those you thought were Conservatives and represented you that now line up behind McCarthy. I excuse Trump because he is a good man who make poor picks. The rest know what they are doing and who they are doing it to.

By: ChaimD Fri, 06 Jan 2023 16:33:58 +0000 What too many of us fail to see that how far we’ve slid from a government OF the People, BY the People and FOR the People…

By: babumjane Fri, 06 Jan 2023 15:47:14 +0000 People need to call their reps over and over till they get the message. I am so proud of those not voting for the snake McCarthy, hope they hang in there. Where are the so called conservatives? guess they were in name only, when push comes to shove, they showed their true colors. Why isn’t Jim Jordan voting against the snake? All are on the take and will win in the end.

By: Wayne Fri, 06 Jan 2023 15:33:32 +0000 ARGO

By: Joseph Edelen Fri, 06 Jan 2023 15:01:01 +0000 Tell the swamp dwellers to EFF THEMSELVES.

By: Recognizing Truth Fri, 06 Jan 2023 13:49:46 +0000 The RINOs are calling the freedom caucus republicans – the closest thing we have to constitutional conservatives – “terrorists”.

They’re not terrorists, of course,. But they are terrifying to the leftist hegemony.
