Comments on: Surveillance Cameras and Whistleblower Keys to Cracking Connecticut Ballot-box Stuffing Case American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sun, 12 Nov 2023 13:32:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Sun, 12 Nov 2023 13:32:36 +0000 To use a fave globalist term today, this article is somewhat “problematic”!!!

While I greatly appreciate The Epoch Times coverage of Asia and China and communism, and all of Lee Smith’s outstanding stuff, some other items from them can be lacking: whether Josh Philippe’s remark that Youtube is demonitizing them so they are SWITCHING TO A DIFFERENT YOUTUBE CHANNEL (can anyone figure that NONSENSE out???) and support for Dinesh’s redirectional “2000 Mules” which essentially proved ZERO!

Yes, finally a court case which recognizes the obvious, but ballot trafficking/harvesting is but a small facet of overall ELECTION FRAUD — still ignoring and avoiding voting systems, ballot scanners and voter registration databases!!!

“2000 Mules” AVOIDED all mention of Dominion—connected BallotTrax (i3logix) which certainly was under their topic — — — wonder why?????

CISA Act of 2018 changed everything — — NEVER any mention of that, also — — — wonder why???
