Alex Stein – American Conservative Movement American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sat, 21 Jan 2023 10:59:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Alex Stein – American Conservative Movement 32 32 135597105 A Different Side of Alex Stein: “They Murdered My Mom Right in Front of My Face” Sat, 21 Jan 2023 10:57:46 +0000 Most of our readers are very familiar with conservative comedian Alex Stein. He’s absolutely hilarious with his antics that he takes directly to the various leftists such as beta male “Destiny,” the Plano City Council, RINO Dan Crenshaw, or Vice reporter Tess Owen. But before he really hit the scene in 2022, Stein went through a very traumatic experience.

On October 21, 2021, his mother died at Baylor University Hospital. According to Stein, she died because the hospital went through their standard Covid protocols despite the fact that he and his mother specifically forbade the use of Remdesivir. They gave it to her anyway and she died.

In a heartbreaking interview with One America News, Stein revealed a side to him that most haven’t seen. He says his experiences in 2021 are part of the reason he has become one of the most driven members of conservative media in his quest to expose the lunacy of the radical left. Watch:

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Alex Stein Trolls Vice Reporter at CPAC and It’s an Instant Classic Sat, 06 Aug 2022 22:40:25 +0000 How do you spot a leftist journalist at CPAC? Look for the ones wearing a face mask.

Comedian, political commentator, and clearly credentialed journalist Alex Stein found Vice Media reporter Tess Owen at CPAC. He tried to ask her questions, but she couldn’t quite find the words to appropriately answer them. She was able to say it was none of his business how many times she’d been jabbed, but that she supports vaccine mandates. Go figure.

He cracks me up every time he does a video. Watch:

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Alex Stein Went Off on Uvalde City Council “Cowards” Wed, 27 Jul 2022 07:54:48 +0000 We know Alex Stein for his bold and hilarious mocking of everything woke. He has spoken in front of city councils and school boards across the country. He has trolled baby murder advocates, RINO Adam Kinzinger, and diva AOC. But there was nothing funny about his speech before the Uvalde City Council.

It was simply powerful. Watch:

It was particularly noteworthy that he didn’t just appeal to them emotionally. He brought up the important issues of school security, leader responsibility, feckless law enforcement, and how this tragedy has been turned into gun control fodder. It was a side of Stein that few have seen.

Hopefully, we’ll see more of this side of Alex Stein, just as long as he also keeps making us laugh from time to time.

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