Crimes Against Humanity – American Conservative Movement American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sat, 18 Feb 2023 14:45:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Crimes Against Humanity – American Conservative Movement 32 32 135597105 Prepping for War? Kamala Harris Says U.S. Formally Declares Russia Has Committed Crimes Against Humanity in Ukraine Sat, 18 Feb 2023 14:45:07 +0000 In a move that must not be taking lightly, Kamala Harris told an international audience that the United States has formally determined Russia has committed “crimes against humanity” during their invasion of Ukraine.

Harris made the statements on Saturday during her speech at the Munich Security Conference in Germany.

“From the starting days of this unprovoked war, we have witnessed Russian forces engage in horrendous atrocities and war crimes. Their actions are an assault on our common values, an attack on our common humanity,” Harris said.

“And let us be clear. Russian forces have pursued a wide spread and systemic attack against a civilian population,” she continued. “Gruesome acts of murder, torture, rape and deportation. Executions, killings, beatings and electrocution. Russian authorities have forcibly deported hundreds of thousands of people from Ukraine to Russia, including children.”

“The United States has formally determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity,” Harris said.

The importance of this declaration is that it can be used as a justification for preemptive strikes against Russia. Since Ukraine is not a part of NATO and does not have a defense agreement with other nations, the most likely scenario to draw the United States into war with Russia was for Russia to attack a NATO nation. As the invasion drags out with no signs of Russian aggressions advancing outside of Ukraine, this declaration by Harris changes the calculus.

This appears to be a play to give the United Nations justification for endorsing a preemptive strike by the United States or NATO as a whole. While nothing formal would come from the U.N. with Russia sitting on the Security Council, the declaration by Harris opens the door for the U.N. to tacitly accept a preemptive attack without condemnation.

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Crimes Against Humanity: Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense Says Everyone Who Violated Nuremberg Code During Covid Needs to Be Prosecuted Fri, 26 Aug 2022 16:29:41 +0000 At a recent Action Alliance event in Nuremberg, Germany, Children’s Health Defense (CHD) President Mary Holland issued a call to action about not letting those behind the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic off the hook for their crimes against humanity.

Holland spoke about the importance of the Nuremberg Code, which was codified after World War II to prevent atrocities like the Holocaust from ever happening again.

Built on the medical and legal ethics established in Germany before the Nazi regime, the Nuremberg Code also laid the groundwork for how to deal with anyone who might try to impose another mass genocide, which is exactly what those behind the plandemic set out to do.

“For more than 75 years, the Nuremberg Code has been a beacon of light – all medical and legal norms have been based on it since 1947,” Holland said. “The Nuremberg Code is the foundation for modern medical ethics.”

“The code has been incorporated into U.S. federal and state law, and U.S. courts have recognized the Nuremberg Code as a universal, international legal standard – like the norms prohibiting slavery and piracy.”

Forcing people to mask in solitary confinement and submit to experimental “vaccines” violates the Nuremberg Code

Even if entire nations or continents decide to scrap the Nuremberg Code in practice – which is what most of them did by imposing wide-scale medical fascism – this does not nullify its tenets.

Every individual has the right to just say no to drugs, in this case Fauci Flu shots, regardless of what the government says. Every individual also has the right to just say no to masks, which are an unproven and dangerous medical device.

“Tragically, in the last two-and-a-half years, we have witnessed a global assault on the Nuremberg Code,” Holland lamented. “Governments, medical establishments, universities and the media have violated the very first principle and every other principle of the code’s 10 points.”

“They have coerced people into being human guinea pigs.”

Holland is committed to seeing every last person responsible for destroying people’s lives and livelihoods with plandemic tyranny brought to justice. It starts with calling them out, followed by actions such as lawsuits.

“We must stop this,” Holland said. “And we must ensure this does not happen again.”

Unfortunately for those who already took the jabs, no amount of justice will give them back their natural, healthy immune systems. Many of them will face a lifetime of illness or premature death as a result of their compliance.

“We live in dangerous times. If world governments and their collaborators continue to flout the Nuremberg Code and censor those of us who criticize ‘The Big Lie’ – we know where this leads,” Holland warned.

“It leads to atrocities. It leads to a legacy of ashes.”

Throughout the plandemic, these atrocities included children and teenagers becoming disabled or dying due to the jabs; adults and elderly people being denied life-saving treatments; and families being separated from one another in “quarantine camps.”

These crimes against humanity must stop. And people must take a stand and just say no to medical fascism whenever, and wherever, it rears its ugly head.

“It is in our power to say, ‘No more! Respect and uphold this code!’” Holland explained. “And let’s not forget: we are winning.”

“The narrative that these injections work is over. The narrative that we must lock down is over. The narrative that we must test asymptomatic people is over. The narrative that our ‘leaders’ know what they’re doing is over. Let us let that sink in.”

More of the latest about efforts to hold those behind the plandemic accountable for their crimes against humanity can be found at

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