iTunes – American Conservative Movement American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:12:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 iTunes – American Conservative Movement 32 32 135597105 Conversation Starter: Kari Lake’s Song Is #1 in the Country Tue, 13 Jun 2023 12:12:40 +0000 A song featuring Kari Lake is #1 in the country on iTunes. This is impressive, but it’s also extremely important as we prepare for another round of massive, widespread voter fraud.

As she posted on Twitter:

Let’s freak out the fake news. Our song, 81 Million Votes, My Ass (feat. Kari Lake) – is the number one song in the country! And they hate it. Download, listen & share it today. Not only are we going to TALK about our corrupt elections—we are going SING about them!

But this is actually a much bigger deal than just “owning the libs.” The song, titled “81 Million Votes, My Ass,” is a reminder for many of a truth they likely suppressed in 2020 and forgot about by now. But many of us remember. There’s zero chance Joe Biden received more votes than any man in American history. There’s zero chance he received more black votes than Barack Obama. There’s zero chance the assorted miracles at 3am in conspicuously corrupt precincts that also happened to be in tight races all shifted to him.

This is a conversations starter. It’s an opportunity to be more than fodder as we share the song to the nation. Lake has been a consistent supporter of President Trump and an unabashed “election denier” like so many of us.

Considering the success of the song, we’re clearly not alone in our disbelief in the 2020 election results. Let’s keep the pressure up and the conversation going. Even if we can’t fix 2020, we can prevent a repeat in 2024 as long as patriots don’t fall for the “move on” trap.

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