Mehmet Oz – American Conservative Movement American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sun, 06 Nov 2022 00:56:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mehmet Oz – American Conservative Movement 32 32 135597105 President Trump’s Pennsylvania Rally May Be the Biggest of the Midterms Sun, 06 Nov 2022 00:56:46 +0000 Tuesday’s midterm elections may be the most important in modern history. Many say that every election, but I don’t. I usually downplay the importance of the elections. This time, I truly believe they will mark a turning point one way or another for this nation. Either we will pull this nation back from the brink of disaster or we will barrel headlong into oblivion.

It’s great to have President Trump in Pennsylvania this weekend. This is arguably the most crucial state for Republicans to win in the midterms. His rally for candidates like Doug Mastriano and Dr. Mehmet Oz is running opposite both Joe Biden and Barack Obama with their own events in the extremely important state.

While much of the focus is on the Oz versus John Fetterman race which will be crucial for control of the U.S. Senate, the bigger race to me is the gubernatorial battle. Mastriano is more than just an America First patriot who can turn his state around. He represents an important opportunity for revelations from the stolen 2020 election to come to light. If he can win, he will dig into the massive, widespread voter fraud that flipped the state in the days following election day. That’s why Democrats have put so much emphasis on trying to win that race.

Here’s President Trump, Mastriano, and others at the rally Saturday evening:

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Kathy Barnette Wants Bootlicking RINOs to Get Out of America’s Ways Wed, 26 Oct 2022 17:48:36 +0000

America is at a crossroads. While voters have plenty of reasons to steer this nation clear of the destructive policies of Democrats, there are those in the GOP wing of the Uniparty Swamp who are equally divisive and dangerous. RINOs and their “bootlicking” sycophants always make two demands. First, they say we need to vote for the letter “R” no matter what. But then they come out AGAINST America-First patriots even during general election season.

Former Senate candidate Kathy Barnette, who was endorsed by gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano during the Pennsylvania primary and has endorsed him in his race, has accused RINO bootlickers of playing both sides. It’s time to stop listening to them, as she and I discussed on today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show.

The interview was enthralling as Barnette does not hold back on punches. Both of us went toe-to-toe with people like Sean Hannity, Ric Grenell, and Greg Kelly who all put tremendous efforts into disparaging Barnette ahead of the GOP primary. They backed Dr. Mehmet Oz. Patriots like Jack Posobiec and Todd Starnes fought the Oz-backers as well.

Some have speculated that several official and unofficial advisors, including Hannity, pressed Donald Trump to back his “old friend” and would have suffered major embarrassment if Dr. Oz was unable to win his primary, let alone the general election.

While we discussed her book, Nothing to Lose, Everything to Gain: Being Black and Conservative in America, and some of her other current and future activities, the conversation continuously gravitated back to the problem with “bootlickers.” The members and minions of the Republican Establishment wing of the Uniparty Swamp pose as much of a threat to this nation as Democrats. In some ways, they’re even worse because at least with Democrats we know to oppose all of their moves. With the GOPe, they are sometimes allies on a handful of issues but oftentimes they’re our enemies.

Gun control, for example, could never have been passed without Mitch McConnell and his ten RINO Senators who voted against the Constitution and against America.

One of the biggest threats we face ahead of the election in Pennsylvania is Karl Rove and his Super PAC working on behalf of Democrat Josh Shapiro. They disguise their efforts to take down “extreme” Mastriano by running ads against John Fetterman, but the message is crystal clear. According to Rove and company, the massive failure of Soros-backed Shapiro as Attorney General should be overlooked because he’s “not as extreme” as Fetterman.

Yesterday’s debate with Dr. Mehmet Oz should seal Fetterman’s fate, so one would think Rove and his RINO cronies would pull their ads. Nope. They’re doubling down because Fetterman was never really the target. They want Mastriano to lose. Even if we dismiss the fact that Mastriano is an unambiguous America First patriot who has served this nation and the state of Pennsylvania proudly for over three decades, we should still put everything we have behind him because it will go against the Uniparty Swamp’s desires.

Few things would make me happier after the midterm election than to imagine Karl Rove fuming about how the NeoCon wing of the Republican Party is losing steam.

Here’s the interview with Barnette:

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RINO Snake: Karl Rove’s Super PAC Backs Failed Democrat AG Josh Shapiro Because Patriot Doug Mastriano Is “Extreme” Mon, 24 Oct 2022 09:05:45 +0000 While America First patriots put most of our election and campaign efforts into fighting Democrats once primary season is over, we often find ourselves fighting the RINO wing of the Uniparty Swamp as well. That’s exactly what stellar conservative Republican candidate Doug Mastriano is having to do as he tries to win the gubernatorial race in Pennsylvania.

RINO sleazeball Karl Rove and his American Crossroads Super PAC are going after Mastriano. It started over the weekend when Rove went on with Fox News host Shannon Bream to say Mastriano was “extreme.” Then, his Super PAC released a video that attacked Democrat senatorial candidate John Fetterman, but in doing so gave a de facto endorsement to Mastriano’s radical Democrat opponent, Josh Shapiro.

Kathy Barnette, who ran against Dr. Mehmet Oz for the Republican nomination in the state, sent me a Tweet and the video:

American Crossroads supposedly backs Republicans, but their ad is clearly intended to prop up Soros-backed failed Attorney General Shapiro.

Jack Posobiec wasn’t happy about it:

On today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show, I briefly explained why Mastriano is such a perfect candidate for Pennsylvania and why nobody who loves this nation should ever listen to Karl Rove.

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John Fetterman’s Radical Marxist Wife Is the REAL Play They’re Making for the Senate Wed, 14 Sep 2022 16:45:16 +0000 Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman isn’t really running for U.S. Senate. He’s on the ballot. He’s doing some campaign stops. He’s dodging a debate against Dr. Mehmet Oz. But he’s just a placeholder. The real candidate that nobody outside of the powerbrokers in the Democrat Party know about is his radical leftist wife, Gisele Barreto Fetterman.

The official candidate has been making the news lately with his odd behavior. Just before the primary election, he suffered a stroke and was away from the public eye for over a month. But now that he’s back on the campaign trail, a whole lot of people have a whole lot of questions. He was even featured on Tucker Carlson’s recent show, and more specifically, the odd lump on the back of his neck was featured.

Democrats are doing everything they can to keep him out of the spotlight. It’s the Joe Biden campaign technique — stick him in the basement and hope his proxies and advocates can con enough people to make the race close so they can cheat their way to victory. This is Pennsylvania, after all, where it takes a couple of weeks to manufacture the votes Democrats need to win, as they demonstrated during the 2020 election.

But John Fetterman is just a placeholder. The real person they intend to make Senator is his wife. Gisele Barreto Fetterman is the ultimate representation of the worst parts of the Democrat Party. She came into this nation as an illegal alien, a “Dreamer” before such a term was coined by the Obama regime. She got her green card, became a citizen, and married John Fetterman.

Since then, her entire career has been built around woke activism and race-targeted philanthropy. She has built a resume that people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or Ilhan Omar could only dream of having. According to the candidate’s website:

Gisele has devoted her life to helping others, with a focus on nutrition, food equity and meeting Pennsylvanians’ basic needs. With just an empty shipping container and an open lot, Gisele opened the Free Store, distributing household goods, baby items and bicycles to those in need. In addition, she co-founded 412 Food Rescue, which sends volunteers to retailers who have surplus food that risks going bad and delivers it to nonprofits that serve the hungry. Gisele also co-founded the nonprofit For Good PGH which drives numerous initiatives on inclusion including “Hello Hijab,” which produces miniature hijabs for dolls, promoting tolerance and diversity. Most recently Gisele founded The Hollander Project, a business incubator for female entrepreneurs.

If the Democrats are able to win in Pennsylvania, they will likely win both the Senate seat and the governorship. They need to win both for their plan to work. If John Fetterman wins, he will quickly resign due to health reasons. If Josh Shapiro defeats Doug Mastriano in the gubernatorial race, it will be on Shapiro to pick Fetterman’s replacement and I’ll tell you with 90% certainty that pick will be Fetterman’s Neo-Marxist wife.

I discussed this in some more detail on today’s episode of America First Report.

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Democrats Fetterman, Hobbs Duck Debates to Hide Their Shortcomings From Voters Mon, 12 Sep 2022 13:18:00 +0000 There are only two reasons candidates refuse to debate their political opponents. The first is to avoid “punching down” on a candidate who is way behind. It does not behoove a candidate who is up by 40-points to risk some random error that hurts them. It’s most common for primary candidates to avoid “punching down” against their same-party opponents who really have no chance, though it also happens in deep red or deep blue districts where general election victory is all but assured.

The second reason candidates duck debates is if they don’t want to be compared side-by-side with a superior opponent. It’s far less common because it’s generally frowned upon in general elections, but it does happen. This year, it’s happening at least twice in two of the most hotly contested and important races of the season: the Arizona governor’s race and Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate race.

Trump-backed Kari Lake is in a heated battle with Democrat Katie Hobbs to become the next governor of Arizona. Meanwhile, Trump-backed Dr. Mehmet Oz wants to go to the Senate but  Democrat-Socialist John Fetterman stands in his way.

Neither Hobbs nor Fetterman are good orators. Hobbs has built her career, which spans four positions over the past decade, by knowing the right people and avoiding the spotlight. She takes the shadowy approach to politics, which had some Democrats concerned when she threw her name in the hat for the high-profile position of Governor. No other major candidate stepped up, so Democrats were stuck with the aloof Secretary of State.

Against an average candidate, Hobbs would almost certainly take the debate stage. But Lake has proven to be one of the most articulate and quick-on-her-feet candidates to emerge in a long time. She spars with corporate media on a daily basis and invariably gets the better of the exchanges. She would mop the floor with Hobbs and her campaign knows it which is why they came up with the ludicrous excuse that she does not want to be involved in a debate the could be a circus.

She’s doing it for Arizona, y’all!

As for Fetterman, he often sounded like a buffoon BEFORE he had his stroke this year. Now, he can barely form complete sentences. The less visible he is, the better his chances are.

Unfortunately, the electorate is far less likely to see the shortcomings of these Democrats if they don’t debate. That’s the plan. Both Democrat campaigns are hoping that their proxies and well-produced campaign ads can fool enough voters into making them believe these candidates are good. They’re trying to buy the elections by spending more money rather than letting the candidates talk directly to the people.

For transparency, I have fully backed Lake from the beginning and opposed Dr. Oz during the primary. I usually do not get behind a candidate in the general election if they couldn’t appeal to me in the primary, but Fetterman would be such a disaster if he won that I’m okay with Dr. Oz even if I do not align with his brand of Republicanism.

Katie Hobbs and John Fetterman can make whatever excuses they choose, but the people know what’s happening. These weak candidates know the more exposure they get, the easier it will be for people to see through their lies.

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John Fetterman Is Not Capable of Being a United States Senator Wed, 24 Aug 2022 07:17:59 +0000 Anyone who has read my commentary regarding Dr. Mehmet Oz knows that I did not support him to be the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania. In fact, I adamantly opposed his nomination. Under normal circumstances, I would choose to ignore this race and focus on helping America First patriots win their races. But this race is far from ordinary.

His Democrat-Socialist opponent, John Fetterman, is physically and mentally incapable of fulfilling the role of United States Senator. Since his stroke a couple of months ago, he has been hidden away from the public. Now that he’s holding rallies and delivering speeches, we know why they didn’t want him heard. It’s clear that the stroke has taken its toll and he can barely string together a complete sentence.


When the Republican Establishment insinuates that staunch conservatives need to vote for the “lesser of two evils” and back their Uniparty Swamp candidates, we shouldn’t listen. In this case, we must. As bad as Dr. Oz will be as a Senator with his ideology seemingly to the left of RINOs like Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins, this isn’t a question of “lesser of two evils.” This is a question of being capable of accepting the duties for a U.S. Senator, and Dr. Oz is the only candidate of the two who can do that.

John Fetterman was a massive political threat due to his radical leftist worldview BEFORE his stroke. Today, he’s far worse because he no longer has his full mental capacity. As much as I disagree with Dr. Oz, we must not let his opponent anywhere near Capitol Hill.

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The Dr. Oz Dilemma Sat, 20 Aug 2022 18:00:15 +0000 For transparency, I opposed Dr. Mehmet Oz in the Pennsylvania Republican primary for U.S. Senate. I’ve taken a neutral stance since he won the primary, not because the general election is not of interest but because I choose to put my efforts toward electing America First patriots. With that said, I don’t want to see socialist and physically challenged John Fetterman in the Senate for the next six years.

Conservatives are faced with a dilemma. Many of us did not support Dr. Oz because his history does not demonstrate anything that even resembles America First patriotism. Some have been turned off by the fact that immediately after winning the primary on the back of President Trump’s endorsement, he removed Trump from his campaign website homepage, listing him only among other endorsements. Before the primary, he invoked Trump on a daily basis on social media. Since then, he’s made more mentions of RINOs like Nikki Haley and Brian Fitzpatrick than Trump.

Dr. Oz seems like the type of Uniparty Establishment shill who will be in Mitch McConnell’s pocket the moment he’s in the Capitol Building. Many America First patriots choose not to support such candidates even if the alternative is the Democrat. But here’s the thing. John Fetterman is not just a guy with a (D) next to his name. His ideology is so far to the left he’d make Bernie Sanders blush. He was a full-blown radical even before his stroke. There’s no telling where he stands today.

As much as it pains me to do, I will no longer be attacking Dr. Oz. I’m generally not a “lesser of two evils” voter, but when one of the two evils in a race is at best Neo-Marxist and at worst a Neo-Marxist with brain damage, question Dr. Oz’s loyalties or policy commitments becomes secondary.

I’m not alone in coming to this conclusion. As Jenna Ellis noted on Twitter:

If this was a congressional race, I’d completely ignore it. I won’t support a RINO over a future member of The Squad because doing so only rewards the Uniparty Swamp by giving them their Establishment shill victory. Perhaps more importantly, it sets up a RINO to potentially get promoted to Senator or Governor, and we definitely do not need more RINOs in those important seats.

But as Ellis and Ron DeSantis noted, this is a six-year commitment… or is it. Do we really expect Fetterman to last that long in office when he can’t speak in complete sentences today? Not that I want to throw out more factors to consider, but if Doug Mastriano wins the gubernatorial race and Fetterman vacates his seat, Pennsylvania does not obligate the governor to appoint someone from the same party.

On the flip side, if Fetterman wins the Senate seat and Josh Shapiro wins the governor’s race, I would see it as very likely that Fetterman would resign quickly and be replaced by his wife, Gisele Barreto Fetterman. That would be a disaster.

Some say Dr. Oz would be the lesser of two evils. I like to see him as risk reduction. We know John Fetterman (or Gisele Barreto Fetterman if she replaces him) will be awful. Dr. Oz may just be mediocre, and I’m okay with that.

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