Comments on: Taliban Killed, Tortured and Imprisoned Hundreds of Afghans Who Sided With US, Report Finds American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:39:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: CLEARLY101 Fri, 25 Aug 2023 13:39:05 +0000 The biden Effect causes so many deaths, worldwide…and the blind cannot see this.

By: StarGladiator Thu, 24 Aug 2023 15:18:24 +0000 Yes . . .Well, there was just a burnout on Maui where over 1,000 appeared to have been incinerated — with a FEMA–directed coverup: no exit, no sirens, no water, almost no fire/rescue response, no aid from the military which has always been utilized in the past?!

So much death and destruction! (Always wonderd why they created or restructured the FEMA under Carter —- actually managed by Covington & Burling, yet no bio detail on that anywhere; had I not been working in DC at that time I would never known about that!)

After the assassination of the valiant Northern Alliance leader, Ahmad Shah Massoud, several days prior to the attacks on 9/11/01, by Taliban–affiliated al Qaeda, everything from that point on was a sham! Both Clinton and Bush refused to all entrance into the US by Mr. Massoud who wanted to warn of a predictable attack by elements of al Qaeda —- he was once the staunch ally, but Clinton/Bush then allied with the Taliban, like today —- go figure!

When intrepid DIA analyst Julie Sirrs returned from a fact finding trip to Afghanistan and Pakistan, DIA director, Gen. Patrick Hughes, rejected her report warning of a forthcoming probable al Qaeda attack, claiming al Qaeda would never pose any threat to America —– then 9/11! (Gen. Patrick also fired Sirrs! No matter, years later Ms. Sirrs still hasn’t figured out how the Deep State operates!)

Biden regime considers the Taliban to be allies, right?!

Great synpathy for the victims of the vile Taliban, but this all tracks back to Jimmy Carter, right!?

Also, great sympathy and prayers for the victims in Maui!

Let’s cover and stick to the facts, shall we???
