Comments on: Terrible, Fatal Brain Disease Linked to Covid “Vaccines” American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Thu, 16 Jun 2022 12:05:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Clifton Thu, 16 Jun 2022 12:05:22 +0000 In reply to MicahStone.

Yup. A symptom of it is called sensationalism. And it would appear Dr Joel’s got it bad. Truly amazing! Enough hyperbole to joke a rat. The left is bad enough. Must we now have to suffer with it from here?

By: spanky Thu, 16 Jun 2022 09:33:43 +0000 Well thank GOD she did not have flue like symptoms and loose her sense of taste for a week or so!!

By: steven c jackson Thu, 16 Jun 2022 01:33:25 +0000 Call this what it is, MURDER! There is no other reasonable categorization of the actions for the most committed perpetrators of this evil. They know what they have done. I know why they are continuing to do it.
I knew this was originally a plot to destroy the conservatives in March of 2020. I screamed from the rafters STOP this Flu insanity! I tend to think it blew up in most of the less aware plotters unthinking faces. Maybe I’m being to generous in that analyses. It is to bad humans are mostly a disappointment! Clueless morons most of the time. Driven by their most vile inclinations all to often. Once in a while they rise above themselves.
Those are moments to savor! Those are the moments I live for.

I emailed Trump and got no good answer to this from him either. He did so well when he ignored his ill advised choices for advisors. It seems He never was a good judge of politicians character. Sometimes I wish I could have whispered in his clueless ear, keep your friends close but your enemies closer. That was back when you could leave him comments. That was back when he was still an inspiration to me. Alas, he is now a full fledged politician himself.

He was their fool and it hurts me to admit that. Like with the red flag comments he made previous to this he was, I’d like to believe, an unwitting stooge to the machinations of these murderous “vaccine” purveyors. I’m voting for DeSantis next time. It’s been my observation that honest politicians have a half life of about 6 years before they become thoroughly corrupted. I will shield my eyes when I do for fear that he isn’t made of the right stuff but so far so good.
My stupid family in California continue to embrace this horror. All were apparently educated beyond there native intellectual capacities. All feel way to good about themselves and just like most college educated snobs they don’t listen to reason and can’t or won’t see the obvious. Or there fear is overwhelming them. That is a honest human trait. But in my opinion it can only be fully forgiven in child bearing women. There babies will come first. That is nature. I respect that.
I don’t feel good when I see men who hide in fear but I know why they are doing it, Survival, the enemies are everywhere BUT it is craven nevertheless. Definitely not a good look. Fear is good but running in panic is not adaptable. You just have to fish or be relegated to cutting bait! Man up or just accept being a boy. Be ready for combat. Be it spiritual or physical. Chose your field of battle though! Be wise.

Nuremburg trials are the only justice for this. Execution is the only acceptable punishment for the most evil of the plotters.
God help the witless sheep who were and are being lead to slaughter! We will probably have to leave the perps to God. As for myself ,Give me Liberty or give me death! The most dedicated among them are my sworn enemies. I eschew them. Someday I hope to see justice served.
Usually isn’t though. Humans usually end up fighting pointless brutal wars when they’ve had more than they can take.
As a species that seems to be our curse. I guess we will fight until we destroy ourselves completely.
We have never been able to overcome war for more than a generation. WE tend to eat ourselves.
That pisses me off.

By: GodSaveMyCountry Wed, 15 Jun 2022 23:46:52 +0000 In early 2021, I sent my brother, an infectious disease MD at a hospital in Los Angeles County this article “COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease” by Dr. J. Bart Claussen, MD in the Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Jan. 18, 2021). He scoffed at it and told me not to read “nonsense” like this and to just go get my 2nd Pfizer shot. I knew in my heart that these shots were dangerous. Doctors now are trained to administer care via prescribed treatment protocols. Even car mechanics have more ability to use more of their expert judgement than doctors these days. The fact is that all treatment that is paid for by Medicare, Medicaid and commercial payors (Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Healthcare, Kaiser, Aetna, Cigna, etc.) is determined by models using historical patient data provided by both hospitals and insurance companies. I used to work for one of 4 companies that determine these treatment protocols and that intellectual property is sold back to the insurance companies and hospitals AFTER it is reviewed and approved by Center for Medicare, Medicaid Services (CMS), i.e. the federal government. So ALL healthcare is essentially government determined (even if not government run). Very few exceptions are allowed from treatment protocols. Even with just 1 Pfizer shot, I wonder what I will experience long term as far as heart issues and prions. Yet, 5 daily doses of Ivermectin and Hydroxychlorquine brought me back to full health when I caught C-19 Delta in Fall 2021. My brother pooh-poohed those as well. It’s no wonder I have lost any faith I had in the health care system.

By: xsnake Wed, 15 Jun 2022 22:54:12 +0000 In a country awash in lawyers, why are there no class action suits?

By: MicahStone Wed, 15 Jun 2022 19:28:56 +0000 “Terrible, Fatal Brain Disease Linked to Covid “Vaccines””
