Comments on: The CIA’s Continued Secrecy on Chile and JFK American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sat, 09 Sep 2023 21:20:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Sat, 09 Sep 2023 21:20:42 +0000 Tedious how the rubes keep throwing stuff against the wall, instead of doing some DUE DILIGENCE!

“insistence on keeping its JFK-assassination related records secret into perpetuity.”

To all who have perused and cross–referenced ALL the declassified JFK documents and declassified FBI/SIS documents the above statement is both insipid, silly and nonsensical —- to date, all the required incriminating files have been released over the past 43 years!!!

“My hunch is that those still-secret records relating to . . .”

Instead of relying on “HUNCHES” try reading all the frigging files sometime?!?!

The reason both Obama and Trump refused to pardon the great American patriot, ABRAHAM BOLDEN, was that a real presidential pardon might have thrown attention his way, thereby exposing the false foundational narratives of the “long gunman” and Lee Oswald as the alleged assassin!!! (Obama followed his script handed him and Trump was toooo terrified of Deep State probably?!)

Mr. Bolden, first Black–American assigned to the Secret Service Presidential Protection Division, had knowledge of the scheduled assassination attempt planned for President Kennedy on his Nov. 2nd visit to Chicago. This visit was cancelled at the last moment when J. Edgar Hoover passed on a tip from an FBI informant in Dallas, Lee (Oswald), to AG Bobby Kennedy!

Three assassinations were planned on Nov. 2nd: President Diem and his brother in Saigon and JFK in Chicago, but having been tipped to a four—man assassin team, only the brutal assassinations of the Diem brothers took place; JFK’s assassination would occur several weeks later in Dallas!

In June of 1963, JFK took a series of pushback actions against the oligarchs of banking/Wall Street: he refused to support the amending of Section 25 of the Federal Reserve Act (LBJ lster supported it), he renegotiated the oil deal between Rockefeller oil companies Stanvac and Caltex and the government of Indonesia, making it favorable to both of them, he issued EO 11110 to disburse $4.3 billion of debt–free silver–backed currency through the Treasury, doing an endrun around the Federal Reserve, and made concrete his planned withdrawal of all US military advisors from South Vietnam — a move both he and President Diem wanted! (The plan was to continue US military financial aid, though!)

The CIA dispatched several agents to Lisbon to meet with French assassin–for–hire, Jean Rene Souetre while getting in contact with Belgian criminal and CIA contract killer, Mozes Maschkivitzan and on 11/22/63 the four–man assassin team of Souetre, Maschkivitzan, Lazlo the Hungarian, led by CIA’s Lucien Conein, performed the vile crossfire ambush on President Kennedy!
