I stand by my assertion from last week when I said we’d either see a massive red wave or another round of stolen elections. What should have been a red tsunami was replaced by a cunning manipulation of not only votes but also how people are responding to it all. Like an assassin who makes his murders appear to be accidents, the powers-that-be stopped the red wave in its tracks while simultaneously convincing people that we should have expected this all along.
Early reactions to the 2022 midterm election results explain exactly why the results are what they are. I expected one of two things. Either there would be a massive red wave or there would be an uproar over races being stolen. Neither turned out to be true, at least as of now. The red wave didn’t happen and practically nobody is pointing to the unambiguous reality that rigged elections are to blame. Instead, we’re seeing finger-pointing and detailed but false analyses about why it happened.
Far too many conservatives have been trained to accept the fraudulent results because the mainstream narrative has been well-formed. Diverging from the mainstream narrative has proven to be dangerous, so most have convinced themselves that it’s better to play it safe. They’re busy trying to figure out what went wrong when the answer is blatantly clear.
This isn’t hard. Many of the races, especially in the states that were accused of being havens for voter fraud in 2020, were flat-out stolen. The hard part is getting those who know it in their hearts to admit it. Most won’t because we’re not allowed to think that. To speak it out loud would make us “election deniers,” at which point we’ll be lambasted by both the left as well as those on the right who are either blind or secretly happy with the results.
I covered all of this and a lot more on today’s episode of The JD Rucker Show.
At this point someone will write in the comments that I need to show proof before making such accusations. We had so much proof of voter fraud in 2020 that was never properly reported or adjudicated that I no longer have faith in the system. To be more specific, I cannot accept the judgment of the post-truth society that we have become. This stance will get me labeled as a purveyor of “disinformation,” but I don’t care. What the powers-that-be call the truth are nothing but blatant lies. Patriots desperately need to stop falling for the notion that we cannot trust our own eyes or that things that don’t make sense to us are our actual reality.
Now is the time to stand behind what you feel to be the truth. If it doesn’t make sense to you that Joe Biden received more Black votes than Barack Obama, it’s because he didn’t. If it doesn’t make sense to you that John Fetterman could win despite being mentally unfit for the job, then you should accept that Pennsylvania has arguably the most corrupt election system in the nation. If it doesn’t make sense to you that nearly every race in states where voter fraud was an issue in 2020 defied polls and logic to yield Democrat victories, then perhaps you’re ready to come to the conclusion that I’ve come to, that many of these elections were stolen.
My biggest mistake was underestimating how gaslighted many if not most conservatives have been. Far too many, including a lot of those reading this article or listening to my show, have either been indoctrinated into accepting the narrative or they’re coping with the results by seeking other explanations. And as I noted on Twitter, Republicans who refuse to acknowledge our elections are being stolen should accept full ownership of these results because you hampered those of us who continue to try to expose it.
To the Republicans who said we need to "move on" from the 2020 election without holding anyone accountable or putting in measures to stop it from being repeated, YOU own this.
— JD Rucker (@JDRucker) November 9, 2022
Nobody wants to believe the system is so corrupted because nobody wants to admit that we no longer have a representative government. We don’t want to feel powerless to make changes. We don’t want to believe the bad guys are in control. I can understand the need to cope with this by accepting lies because it’s far easier than staring into the abyss of reality. If our elections are rigged, what can we possibly do to fix it? The people who could fix it are those who are in control, and fixing it means they would lose their own ability to remain in control. Therefore, they won’t fix it.
We saw what happens when a state addresses voter fraud issues with Florida. It was not exactly indicative of what the rest of the nation could experience if voter fraud was solved because Florida had the added benefit of attracting hundreds of thousands of extra Republicans over the last couple of years. But it’s telling that since the powers-that-be had given up on Florida, the results far exceeded what was projected. I’m not suggesting that people like Doug Mastriano, Kari Lake, or Lee Zeldin would have won their races by 20-points if it weren’t for voter fraud, but I am certain they would have won by double-digits.
Many are saying this is Donald Trump’s fault. Those who are saying that and jumping on the DeSantis bandwagon are falling into a trap. That’s NOT to say I’m against DeSantis or for Trump for 2024. I like them both and have challenges with both of them as well. But the rising anti-Trump sentiment is being manufactured by the powers-that-be, and it has very little to do with Trump himself.
The powers-that-be didn’t just see this election as a way to salvage Democrat power. The bigger fish that they wanted to fry was us. MAGA Republicans, America First patriots, Trump supporters… whatever you want to label those who supported people like Mastriano, Lake, Don Bolduc, Tiffany Smiley, and other America First candidates were the real targets. They want us splintered. They want the GOP Establishment to continue to manage our side of the political fence for the Uniparty Swamp.
This election was mostly about shutting us up and making us fall in line with Mitch McConnell, Karl Rove, Paul Ryan, and the rest of the GOPe power brokers. This isn’t about Republican versus Democrat. This was about protecting the powers-that-be, the globalist elite cabal that manages the Biden-Harris regime and the Uniparty Swamp.
The problem I didn’t anticipate, this problem that is manifesting very clearly now, is that I thought they’d have to stick their necks out too far to steal these elections. They did stick their necks out even further than they did in 2020, but my fatal mistake was not realizing there would be so few willing to call them out for it. I didn’t realize until now that the false narratives were already pre-planned. They are busy herding the vast majority of Republicans into an anti-Trump, pro-DeSantis election post-mortem debate and far too many are willingly being led to that ideological slaughter.
For the past five years, I’ve been doing whatever I can to stay just below the radar. Call me a coward, but I’ve always tried to stay in my own little corner of digital conservative media, content to not get too far into the spotlight for fear of my family being targeted. I refuse to speak lies or to go along with the mainstream narrative, so I figured I’d speak the truth to a relatively small audience, big enough to feed my family but not big enough to draw the ire of cancel culture, the Deep State, or the Principalities and Powers. I figured if I wasn’t really a threat that I wouldn’t get raided at 4am by the FBI.
My reluctance to fight on the frontlines is gone. My intention was to launch Discern.tv as a venue for my content but with a focus on higher-end conservative pundits. I’m abandoning that toe-dipping, hesitant notion and rushing headlong into battle because it’s now abundantly clear it’s necessary. We simply don’t have enough prominent fighters who are willing to speak the truth, so I’m choosing to join the fray. That’s not a statement of my delusion of grandeur or undiagnosed clinical narcissism. In an ideal world I’d be completely out of the spotlight, reading my Bible and enjoying my family on a homestead in Montana. That would be nice. But we’re not in an ideal world and I haven’t been able to move the needle from the background. Therefore, I’m stepping up and stepping out.
We’ll be launching Discern.tv next week, far ahead of schedule. We’re not ready as I don’t have nearly enough content to be able to put it on Roku or any actual TV networks, but I can launch it with on-demand content for now and turn it into a 24-7 livestreaming channel when that time comes. I desperately need resources and admittedly I’m embarrassed by my inability to raise more funds. Those who have donated have been an absolute blessing, but we need a lot more to make it happen. I’m launching with or without the funds. Sometimes you just have to take the plunge and see what happens, so I’m launching.
If you suspect the red tsunami didn’t happen because the powers-that-be wouldn’t allow it to happen, then please know that you’re not alone. There will be those on the left but especially on the right who will tell you that you’re mistaken. They’ll say you’re just coping. They’ll point to a dozen different reasons why the red tsunami failed to materialize, but stolen elections aren’t among those. They’re wrong, and many of them will know they’re wrong which means they’re lying to you. Stay firm with your beliefs. Express them if you have the courage. But one thing is certain. The gloves need to come off. Our nation is in jeopardy and far too few are willing to do what it takes to save it.
Wiki ,which is often unreliable, surprisingly gives a reliable description of the voting process in France. Despite being a socialist country they have a much simpler system that I believe would eliminate 99% of voting fraud in the USA. Their system expects voting fraud and so has sensible measures to prevent it from happening. Are the French all dishonest and so needing this system and Americans all honest? They are essentially no different so why would the USA not go for this cheaper, more secure and efficient system?
The French Model please, its ridiculous how other societal systems are vastly more secure.
The people of France don’t believe Macron won legitimately either. He lost support in their parliament but kept the presidency? Bull! Also in Brazil. President loses reelection, but his down ballot over performed. All elections all over are rigged and the us has their paws in it all.
This was well done.
I have to tell you it’s a bit frustrating because I was emailing you and commenting repeatedly on exactly what you are saying now. Only I’ve been saying it for two years. Where we are now is exactly where I predicted we would be and the election turned out exactly as I predicted. I was castigated and attacked nonstop by “conservatives” for pointing out the elections would be stolen and even worse that if the republicans did happen to win they would essentially not doing anything.
Continuing to worry about the elections is a secondary problem to the fact that most republicans are just as corrupt and pushing for globalism as the democrats. Most, as in likely 90% of them. The elections are essentially a distraction at this point to keep the pot simmering and not boiling. Had they taken the election away from DeSantis which they absolutely could have they know the pot would boil over and they wouldn’t be able to keep it contained.
They allowed a Big Win to Florida as a consolation prize. They don’t care. Florida is a red state anyway so they are willing to sacrifice that to give republicans a bone while they make sure their covid dictators stay in power. So this is all theater. The fact that people think it’s not and that our votes actually matter anymore is a riot.
Oh and by the way for those of you so gaslighted you can’t see what’s in front of you. This is how they are going to take the guns away and THEY ARE! And we will turn them over willingly without any fights. There isn’t going to be any revolution. There isn’t going to be any civil war. Americans are too fat lazy and dependent upon their entertainment and conveniences to sacrifice anything. We are not our forefathers who didn’t sit around sipping the tea complaining about the high taxes we threw the tea in the harbor. Today by comparison we sit around and complain about the narrative being shaped against police which is getting cops killed then we sit down and watch football sponsored by the NFL who promotes and funds the organizations getting cops killed. So let’s stop with the delusions.
If you own a gun then you are a risk to society. If you are a risk to society you cannot leave your home. (remember the shutdowns were a rehearsal). Just having a gun makes you a risk to your neighbors and the people you come in contact with (covid) so if you own a gun you can’t leave the house. You can’t work, you can’t go food shopping etc. They’ll work out the details. So when you can’t feed your family, can’t work, etc they will be lining up to turn them guns in. And they will take your children away also. Guaranteed. So the guns are going.
And those that think the supreme court is going to help you like they helped salvage obamacare, tried to save roe v wade and refused to hear cases on voter fraud with overwhelming video evidence they will simply say nobody is stopping you from owning a gun.
Think I’m wrong. Wait and see. This country is finished and it’s the lazy conservatives that sat on their hands and did nothing and idiot republican citizens who allowed this to get to this point.
Principled conservatives want to protect, see law and order kept, have a much smaller government , appreciate individual responsibility and independence etc and so are usually not the laziest of people. Otherwise I have sympathy with much that you have written about many Republican politicians as self-centered as the Democrat politicians. If they had been working for private sector companies they would not have lasted long.
You are exactly right. I’ve been saying the same thing for years, while conservatives just look at me and laugh.
Unfortunately, my fellow conservatives are as dumb as a box of rocks.
There’s only two things that must happen and I too have not been able to get it off the ground. 1. Men to gather to fast and pray
2. Sheriffs must lead, we should have gotten these to be in this spot long ago, I tried this to
3. Veterans must step up
Sheriffs, really? The police are corrupt. Have you been asleep your whole life???
I suggest that you wake up and get an education, you are one of the ignorant ones, wise up fool.
The first and most important thing to remember is that virtually all running for office do so out of an inflated sense of their own personal greatness, not some altruistic motivation to save America. The power, adulation, and ultimately riches entice ego-driven attention seekers. Going against the flow is rare and risky. Better to be the token Repub at the Georgetown cocktail party than be sent home in shame. And the groupies are hotter in D.C.
I’m Finished with The GOP and Mitch the Bitch and Kevin McCarthy?
If they do take Control, THEY WILL DO NOTHING?
The Left will continue to Destroy the Country as well as by 2024 there will be at Least 11 Million More illegal alien’s in the Country and they will Start Illegally Voting? Laws don’t matter to them, as we can know by their Breaking of Lots of Laws to enter the Country illegally but once inside Slow Jim Gives them millions of Our Tax Money to come and take from your cities and towns. Who’s School can take in all of these People and not at the expense of Our Children? America is Dying a Slow death by Fascism from the Left and the RINO’S Mitch and Kevin?
I cannot support either Party any longer so I’m out, I’ve unregistered from the Voter Rolls and will wait for the Country to collapse into Civil War and it will sooner or later? We DO NOT HAVE THE SAME VALUES FROM STATE TO STATE and Leftist States can’t stay out of Our Business(No Fascist can).We are Headed for conflict.
How right you are. I have been parroting this same view for years.
Fools think they can vote their way outta this, it ain’t happening.
The corruption runs deep. Unfortunately, so does ignorance, and gullibility.
There can be no middle ground with people that are hell bent on murdering babies and calling it a right. There is no middle ground in dealing with the racism of the left.
You cannot find any middle ground with people that have no morals, and live in a fantasy land where facts are routinely ignored and fiction is stated as truth.
We have two completely opposite lines of thought between the left and the right. The left embraces Chinese style fascism and have sold out to our worst enemy. The right believes in the principles that made this great nation.
There is no middle ground anywhere to be found. The only solution to this is another civil war, like it or not, you people need to start living in the reality of the world.
Feckless sheep, shut up, you won’t do anything but complain.
You had your ‘vote’ for what power seeker will rule you.
Get back to work and file your 5A violating tax return self confession forms to Its Really Slavery and pay your masters for the privilege of being their eager slaves.
Once again, another pundit completely misses the problem and focuses on symptoms, either it is intentional disinformation or incompetence.
There is one core problem with government corruption; willful selective enforcement of the law by corrupt law enforcers. The absence of uniform RULE OF LAW is the problem, always has been.
If law enforcers, at every and all levels, would obey their oath and apply the law EQUALLY to their buddies and bosses, NONE of the lawless acts of the parasite political class would be tolerated.
Police can arrest DAs/prosecutors for willful selective enforcement of law too, aka OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.
Until the people can arrest police for refusal to enforce laws, and police are held CRIMINALLY responsible for their actions, this rampant lawlessness by political class parasites, especially demoKKKrats, will never end!
Blind cop suckers disagree.
How do you get your enemy to support your cause? Falsely claim you hate something to manipulate them into supporting it. Leftists claim they hate the police that enforce their leftist policies, voila, conservatives BACK THE BLUE! Stupid sheep, easily played. 😂
True that, the popo aren’t the ‘normies’ friend. This is the first issue that needs to be addressed, engage w/the local county sheriff for a start.
I’m surprised that conservatives are still stuck on the back the blue nonsense. Who was it arresting people for breaking covid mandates? Those mandates are not police enforceable because the are not law. Congress never enacted any of them. They were all decrees by our rulers, yet the pigs gleefully went out and thumped heads and ruined people’s lives.
Conservatives are losing because they are SLOW. Mike Lindell proved with iron clad evidence how elections are manipulated, yet ignorance is so prevalent, that nobody seemed to care. Conservatives just ignored the machines and worried about the ballot dumping. As long as dominion is allowed to control the elections, there will be no valid ones, how the hell is that too complicated for conservatives to comprehend???
I was not the least bit fooled into thinking there would be a red wave, nobody went to jail for the last coup, so expect it to happen every election.
Our elections are no more valid than elections in shit holes like Venezuela, Cuba, Mexico, China, Russia, or some South American banana republics.
Like it or not, civil war is coming.
Simply put. Any state the Democrats control will steal everything that is able to be minutely justified by the demographics. The problem is not anyones perception or some cunning narrative in the media. No one trusts the media. The governorships and Secretary of State races are the hinge pin and once lost they will no be regained in the post COVID world. The republic is more corrupt than ever and the trajectory is set. Adapt.
Answer: Federal election day becomes a federal one-day holiday during which all voting is done in presence. Absentee Voting is only for the infirmed and aged, not because of travel or importance.
Conservative Party USA Plank
Excellent read:
We need to learn to cheat as well as the Democrats do. Count ballots. Votes be damned
2022 election proved once and for all America no longer has elections. What she has is a selections. Every election from dog catcher to governor one way or another were manipulated by computers. Until states start doing the following no election will be legitimate.
– No mail in ballot
– No early voting
– Voting on election day only
– No machine of any kind
– Paper ballot with hand counting
– prove of citizenship
– voting in person with an ID
Of course the election was rigged. How could 75% of voters claim the country is going in the wrong direction (Real Clear exiting voters poll), after voting the same self-servants (Demorat and Republican) back into office. That’s about as likely to happen as the fake President getting through one speech without stumbling. And, how is this one? Exiting voters claimed that climate change was one of the most important things in this country. Really? We are being primed for climate change mandates. Better yet, hold your breath while the new Speaker of the House makes course changes in the ship of state. Your breath will be long expired before there is any real change. Or, you can wait until 2024 when Trump will drain the swamp (right after he apologizes for killing and injuring millions with the safe and efficient “vaccines”). It’s time to wake up and smell the roses before they’re all genetically modified and smell like poop.
There is a reason why the Second Amendment is the 2nd amendment.
We are not voting our way out of this.
Something definitely happened, the voting didn’t reflect what average Americans were saying concerning the direction of the country. With all of the economic damage done to the country by Biden and the Democrat Party over the last 2 years one has to wonder how they were able to garner so much support. It doesn’t make any sense. Are the American people that STUPID?
Prior to the 2016 election, Trump was drawing thousands to his rallies, you could feel something was happening, that change was about to happen and it did. Today, I feel like something happened, I don’t know what but it’s not good. The country is in SERIOUS SERIOUS trouble now with no one standing in the way of the establishment in DC, the GOP is now starting to split between Trump and DeSantis with no clear leader anymore. Was this by design? I wish I had all the answers but I don’t, I feel like we’re now wandering aimlessly with no clear direction and that something has been taken from us. Call me crazy, I don’t care, but things aren’t the same as they were prior to walking into the voting booth on Tuesday.
JD, besides supporting your efforts, what do you think all of us nobody’s should do?
Like millions of others, we have family who have drunk the koolaid.
I would like a strategy that would get them to understand.
The best that I have been able to come up with so far is to tell them to read the United Nations’ Agenda 2030.
I believe that if they would read it they would at least begin to understand.
As far as I know at this time they have not read it.
And on the record my husband and I are 100% with Trump.
Its evident the election was stolen but Americans will blame everything but because they dont want to do what is necessary. You cannot vote Communism out, you must eradicate the communist.
Very much agree. The “Tell” was when Lindsey Graham and then later Kevin McCarthy pushed of all things the 15 week national abortion ban, 6 weeks out, right before the election. Thus giving the Democrats a great issue to organize, campaign, fund raise and drive voter turn-out with. Funny, I didn’t hear Trump pushing national abortion, yet he’s being blamed for the losses that the push for national abortion caused. For the last six weeks you couldn’t turn on a TV without sitting through a dozen attack every 15 minutes ads all saying how all the Republicans are going to ban abortion.
No politician of Lindsey Graham or Kevin McCarthy’s tenure or stature wouldn’t know exactly what would happen next after proposing Graham’s bill. Especially after the abortion issue had been “settled” as a States-Rights issue earlier in the summer. This was a GOP own goal of epic proportions. It could not have been an accident. I agree with you JD, somethings just don’t add up.
As I’ve already said DeSantis is a RINO. When you get praise form dolts like Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Romney etc. you’re a RINO. they are all trying to get us to push away from Trump (including that little weasel Shapiro). We must not let this happen. Plus have you heard Desantis say one single good thing about DJT? Of course not. As much as I love Trump and I want him for POTUS I know he will never lead us in a Civil war we need real American Patriots for that!