Comments on: The Key to ESG: Controlling the Shareholder Vote American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sun, 16 Jul 2023 03:35:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Sun, 16 Jul 2023 03:35:56 +0000 This may be a bit too edgy for some, but feel free to verify all the assertions stated!


On 9/11/01, when Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon’s west wall killing almost all of the DIA’s auditing team which had just compiled a report on the missing and unaccounted for $2.3 trillion of DoD funds, the valuation of offshore hedge funds was $2 trillion —– within several months their valuation would double to $4 trillion.

The future Big Four — not yet in that category back in 2002 — BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity — late in 2002 would have a combined assets under management of — $2 trillion.

Fast forward to 2018 when, under the guise of military operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, that unaccounted for $2.3 trillion in missing DoD funds had ballooned to $21 trillion.

In 2018 the combined assets under management of what was now the Big Four was now $21 trillion!

Curious how the arithmetic always works out that way?!?!

[Since the DIA audit team’s report was unclassified at the time —- and they used subcontractor financial services firms —— their offsite backup storage for the report was at those firms, located in the WTC’s Twin Towers.]

By: StarGladiator Sun, 16 Jul 2023 03:29:32 +0000 THERE YOU GO! Destroying the mythology of the passive investment funds yielding zero influence —- what they kept claiming the past decade!

They told us to ignore the fact that the Big Four: BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street and Fidelity, are the major shareholders in the majority of major corporations!

They told us to ignore the fact that the Big Four are the major shareholders in each other, thereby forming a single cross–shareholding financial construct of exponential power and control

They told us to ignore that the former CEO of State Street was Marshall Carter, Jr., the son of Gen. Marshall Carter, deputy director of the CIA in 1963, and later NSA director when ALL the 1963 files disappeared for NSA station, USA–55, rather important to the JFK assassination investigation!!! (And Gen. Carter’s brother was Cliff Carter, senior advisor to VP Lyndon Johnson and Cliff Carter commanded an OSS unit during World War II which included the later deputy chief of the Secret Service in 1963, Paul Paterni, and the later CIA Counterintelligence chief in 1963, James Angleton and his deputy, Ray Rocca!)

Outstandimgly brilliant article —– again as usual, Real Reportage from The Epoch Times!!!
