Comments on: The Real Reason a Majority of Republicans in the House Back Tom Emmer American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:58:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Wed, 25 Oct 2023 10:58:44 +0000 McCarthy is essentially — or was in his capacity as the Speaker — an agent for the CCP, as he received funding from Sequoia Capital, which is too closely connected to the CCP through their China office man who is an advisor to the CCP! Sequoia Capital, for those who may not know or remember, was the oroiinal founder/backer of Sequoia Voting Systems, which morphed into Dominion Voting Systems, which received MAJOR investments from the former Carlyle Group guys at Street Capital — investigations into connections to CCP funding to congress HALTED under McCarthy’s speakership, now they may resume!

While I try to avoid all this political theater crapola, we have reached a critical mass point with CCP subversion and congressional/governmental collusion — differentiating between globalist/WEF connections and CCP connections is supremely difficult as they too often tend to merge together — Emmers appears to have been a Soros’ man in the past, probably is still one — a total sellout never to be trusted! McCarthy is another known sellout, never to be trusted — neither are lightweight threats but MAJOR threats to positive change in America!

Whether it was Bush family member, Judge John Walker, Jr. and his countless profitable trips and seminars across China (James Comey interned with him), or various members of SCOTUS who took part–time gigs/junkets to Peking University, the potential foreign subversion runs deep — note Beijing’s man in LA, Newsom, over there now yucking it up with the Chicoms! Stuff is serious, and the Pentagon acts impotent in response, but given Milley and other pro–CCP types, perhaps that is part of the plan!

By: SoldierI Wed, 25 Oct 2023 04:54:15 +0000 The war profiteers in DC swamp see trillion going unaccounted for to foreign wars for the taking.
