Comments on: The Sick, Sociopathic Symbiosis of the Woke Left and Jihadi Enthusiasts American exceptionalism isn't dead. It just needs to be embraced. Sun, 02 Jun 2024 13:45:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: StarGladiator Sun, 02 Jun 2024 13:45:38 +0000 “How have our elite universities become ground zero of the alliance between leftism and jihad?”

Thomas Sowell predicted and explained that back in the 1990s! Also, the Bretton Woods Committee (brettonwoods [dot] org), the lobbyist group for the international super–rich, has been seeding university faculties for ages to achieve this, plus Soros and Gates funding as well!

“the May 2020 killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers”

Eff you —- Nine–prison–term, habitual criminal and dope addict, Floyd, had double the amount of Fentanyl in his body as Prince OD’d from, plus residue of mixed drug use, which aided his massive drug overdose death —— Floyd was murdered by no one but HIMSELF! CEASE AND DESIST on the controlled opposition propaganda!

Still ZERO acknowledgement that DEI are COMMUNIST POLITICAL MINDER SYSTEMS —— you guys and ABE all simpletons or what?!?!  

Why do you sissy pervos continue using the phrase “woke leftists” for known communist and Marxist organizations —— grow some spine and testicles!

So nice that 25 YEARS AFTER THE FACT, there is finally mention of the FUNDING SOURCES for all this commie/WEF/globalist CUHRAP!!!
